As Ford makes driverless push in city


District officials are pushing Ford to meet new standards on cybersecurity, safety and pollution as the Big Three automaker works to open driverless delivery and delivery businesses in the nation's capital in 2021.

Such city-level standard-setting may be restricted to Federal regulators also wanted to limit their local counterparts can do.

But for now, District officials say they will work to shape – through requirements or strong suggestions – what they consider their ideal rollout for self-driving vehicles.

"D.C. currently has this authority. In the future, they might not, "said Bryant Walker Smith, an assistant professor of law at the University of South Carolina who has worked with states on self-driving law and policy.

Ford executives have made their spirit of cooperation – with the District and other cities where it will be necessary to deploy self-driving cars – a big part of their pitch for the company should be seen as a trustworthy, long-term partner upended by technology.

A Hybrid Ford Fusion goes for a spin in Northeast Washington on Oct. 17. The mapping specialists from Argo AI, a self-driving start-up that Ford is backing with a $ 1 billion investment, drove the vehicle in manual mode. (Calla Kessler / The Washington Post)

On Monday, D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) and the chief executive of Ford Autonomous Vehicles, Sherif Marakby, also describe ways to work towards achieving socioeconomic goals as part of the driverless project.

Bowser's Infrastructure Academy, a workforce training initiative, to offer "two training pathways to jobs," Ford spokesman Alan Hall said. One would be "a pipeline to become a safety operator" in self-driving cars that will begin testing on the streets starting early next year.

That would include classroom work, Hall said.

The second opportunity would be an "auto technician race that would have a pipeline to work with a Ford dealer," Hall said.

Neither the nor Ford District were specific about how many people might be involved with such training.

Bowser has entered into the United States of America's Southwest Waterfront on Monday.

Asked about potential safety problems – an authoritative essay on the subject of Uber in Tempe, Ariz., In March, and lingering questions about the technologies and oversight of the developing companies – Bowser acknowledged the concerns.

"I'm sure everybody was concerned when the car was introduced, when we had streetcars," Bowser said. "When we test any new kind of transportation, we are always going to be concerned about how safe it is, and how safe it is, and how can we make it even safer.

"What people do not typically say is, I wish there was no automobile – maybe some people say that – or it was not possible to connect with each other," she said.

Bowser said that in a growing city, officials and residents need to explore all sorts of transportation options. And that's what will happen as Ford and its partner, self-driving Argo AI start-up, work to build a detailed 3-D map of the city cars with safety monitors behind the wheel.

Last week, mapping specialists from AI Argo, which Ford is backing with a $ 1 billion investment, Ford Fusion hybrids, in manual mode, through Northeast Washington as part of the mapping project.

"Bowser said," We're going to be very interested in what test phase shows, to see if it's something that works for our city. "Now it's possible we'll find it, and that's what this test phase is all about."

Matthew Raifman, a senior manager on Ford's City Solutions team, said "there's no reason to think that's where we're going," noting that the Ford reception has "overwhelmingly positive."

District government documents make the city's oversight aspirations clear.

After months of discussions, the city's Autonomous Vehicles Working Group, formed this year, produced an "Autonomous Vehicles Principles Statement" describing its key priorities.

It says the D.C. government "should require that a minimum standard of industry cybersecurity technology."

The vehicles "should help reduce the carbon footprint of the District, and limit other forms of transportation-related pollution," it continues.

In addition, self-driving cars "should only be on the streets where they can operate without putting people at heightened risk."

And, data generated during driverless projects in Washington should be as long as it is safe and secure. Such "requirements for data sharing should be built into regulations and partnerships," according to the principles statement.

Officials were also questioned about California's requirement that companies disclose self-driving crashes, even when they occur.

Brian Kenner, District deputy mayor for planning and economic development, said the issue is being considered by the working group.

"It's great that we've gotten to hear about it," Kenner said.

Raifman said that it is addressing environmental issues, or cybersecurity concerns the District's focus on safety and other matters, "our intention is to do right by the city, and more importantly, by the residents of the city."

"Raifman said," They're laying it out, "Raifman said., the company has made a decision about what the District is asking for.

And "if there is an issue with compliance and compelling reason why it would be challenging to report" something, "he said.

"It's a voluntary, willing partnership. We're voluntarily engaging them and they're voluntarily engaging with us, "Raifman said. "We want to make sure that all parties are happy with the way it's going."

And where things can not be voluntary – the city has the potential to meet the requirements of the federal government.

A bipartisan Senate bill introduced last year would block local governments regulating "the design, construction, or performance of" autonomous cars, for example.

The Senate legislation is stalled, with some lawmakers expressing concerns about sidelining state and local governments. Proponents say the legislation is needed to prevent a mishmash of local regulations, and they say they are still pushing for a vote.

"In this current form, that legislation would have come into play, and perhaps even then," Smith said, citing the potential to affect cybersecurity, data and other issues. "Those could be withdrawn from the states."

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