Kanye West Donates $ 73,540 to Chicago Mayor Amara Enyia | The music


Kanye West donates $ 73,540 to Chicago mayoral candidate Amara Enyia, as she launches a campaign against the incumbent, Rahm Emanuel.

A spokesperson for the Enyia campaign thanked Mr. West for his "generous action". Enyia has already used the money to pay the fees and debts owed to the Illinois State Elections Council, contracted during a previous election campaign in 2015, which means that it can now appear on the ballot.

Compared to Emanuel, who served as White House chief of staff during Barack Obama's presidency, Enyia is a relatively unknown Chicago-born candidate and community organizer who focused on economic development in the United States. some of the most disadvantaged areas of the city.

His campaign is backed by another top musician, Chance the Rapper, Grammy winner, who endorsed Enyia last week. The Chicago rapper has donated millions of dollars to public schools in the city through his charity, SocialWorks, and some have viewed him as a potential candidate for mayor. At a press conference on 16 October, Chance denied having political aspirations. Instead, she said, "I would like to say, very narcissistically, if I support you, you have a chance, absolutely."

Chance the Rapper and Amara Enyia.

High level approval … Chance the Rapper and Amara Enyia. Photography: Joshua Lott / Getty Images

Chance said he would spearhead a voter registration campaign, especially with young people in Chicago. "Amara and I share values ​​and vision for Chicago that include fair education for our children, reforming our criminal justice system and creating new types of economic opportunities for our communities without causing displacement," she said. -he adds. what Chicago could be. We believe that it is necessary to economically support people at the bottom of the scale – people who have just been struck off. "

Enyia said that Chance and herself would do a "joint campaign": "Generally, with the support of celebrities, this is an instant and punctual transaction … We will actually work together and lead a joint campaign. … essentially until the end of the electoral cycle. The two men are scheduled to attend a rally today to discuss "gentrification and displacement" in the Woodlawn neighborhood. Chance's father, Ken Bennett, is the campaign manager of rival mayor Toni Preckwinkle.

At the same time, West continues to embrace politics. After his recent meeting with Donald Trump at the White House, he told the president, "We are going to make America great." Stanley Moore, county commissioner campaigning for Preckwinkle, said, "If you accept money from someone like Kanye West, do you also support his position with regard to Donald Trump? "

In an interview with the Guardian earlier this year, Enyia called on Emanuel to step down as mayor, following his statements, calling on communities in the city to do more to control the violent crimes that swept Chicago these days. last years. "After a tragic weekend, he calls the community to mobilize? He must commit himself. In fact, he has to withdraw because you have been here for eight years now and that is the result of your leadership, "she said. "Violence is not a problem of maintaining order, it is the manifestation of our failings in public policy in all areas."

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