"Desperate" for loans, Pakistan can not ignore the Saudis and the murder of Khashoggi


Imran Khan, Jamal Khashoggi Pakistan-Saudi Arabia
Uzairmaqbool / Pixabay

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan does not want to put a strain on relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia because of the severe economic crisis in which the country is located. He arrived in Saudi Arabia to participate in this week's Investment Summit. Other leaders and international companies boycotted the summit following the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the country's consulate in Istanbul.

Jamal Khashoggi's death tests relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia

On the eve of his trip to Riyadh, Khan told Middle East Eye, a London-based online news agency, that he and his country had to fight for cordial relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia despite the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi because of the pressing needs of his country. for funds. He admitted that he could not afford not to attend the meeting because Pakistan needed quick access to Saudi loans to avoid facing his debt that was due to arrive in a few months .

"We are desperate for the moment," said Imran Khan. "If I feel that I must seize this opportunity, it's because in a country of 210 million inhabitants, we currently have the worst debt crisis in our history," he said. .

However, he also said he was "shocked" by the killing of Khashoggi.

"The Saudi government will have to find an answer … We are waiting whatever the Saudi explanation. We hope that there is an explanation that satisfies people and that those responsible are punished, "he added.

In response to a question about whether he believed that the Saudi version of the story that Jamal Khashoggi "would have died in combat" would be credible, Imran Khan said, "… as a democrat, as a human being, I find it all sad to believe. "

Senior trade, foreign affairs and finance officials from Britain, France, Germany and the Netherlands boycotted the investment summit in Riyadh. British Secretary of International Trade Liam Fox and US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin also decided last week not to attend the summit.

Turkish officials announced the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2nd. He was a virulent critic of the Saudi regime and had been living in the United States since 2017. Audio recordings allegedly available to a Turkish daily would suggest that Khashoggi was tortured before being beheaded. However, his body was not found and the Turkish authorities have not officially presented this evidence.

Pakistan needs funds to avoid the economic crisis

This is Khan's second visit to Saudi Arabia in about a month to maintain cordial relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. So far, he has not been able to obtain sufficient financial assistance to avoid the national debt crisis. Pakistan and the International Monetary Fund are discussing the possibility that this will be the second bailout of the nation in five years. It would be Pakistan's 13th rescue plan since its birth about 70 years ago.

Imran Khan, who took the post of prime minister a few months ago, would have considered alternatives to the harsh conditions the IMF could impose on loans. Many believe that the difficult conditions of the IMF could block its vision of an Islamic welfare state. One of the key conditions of any IMF bailout package for Pakistan is that it will not use funds to pay the debt owed in Beijing.

The central bank's foreign exchange reserves fell to $ 8.1 billion this month, the lowest level in four years. These reserves are barely enough to meet sovereign debt payments by the end of the year. In addition, Pakistan's current account deficit reached about $ 18 billion.

Imran Khan on other political issues

Khan also urged the United States to lift its sanctions against Iran, which is Saudi Arabia's main rival. In addition, he urged US President Donald Trump not to provoke regional conflict, adding that Pakistan could help as a mediator between Riyadh and Tehran.

"The last thing the Muslim world needs is another conflict. The Trump administration is moving forward, "Imran Khan told Middle East Eye.

He also urged Western and Arab governments to consider reopening their embassies in Damascus. After seven years of civil war, pro-Syrian government forces have now taken control of most of the country. Most countries closed their embassies after the start of the war and demanded the resignation of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. However, Pakistan was one of the few countries that maintained their embassy throughout the war.

Khan also spoke about the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which he says represents a great opportunity for Pakistan because of connectivity, investment and "very cheap loans from Pakistan, while Another was giving us money ".

Pakistan is a crucial element of China's Belt and Road Initiative for Infrastructure Development. However, many fear that Pakistan will become too dependent on Chinese debt, which has not worked well for the other people involved in the project. For example, Sri Lanka had to sell a port to China to use as a naval base after having had to spend a lot of money in Beijing.

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