Note: parties are campaigning amidst mid-term uncertainties


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Taking with Rick Klein

Democrats and Republicans face each other, of course.

But they are really campaigning against each other – they play completely different campaigns, driven by disparate problems and, under the leadership of President Donald Trump, sometimes separate sets of facts.

Both sides may be right – or extremely bad.

It is clear that current campaigns are less about undecided voters than different calculations of what motivates people to vote.

The Democrats are preparing a final two-week effort focused on health care, confident in their take on issue # 1 arising in campaign messages from one ocean to the other.

Trump is trying to completely change this topic, trying to make mid-term politics a caravan of migrants that he is, without any evidence, blaming the Democrats.

PHOTO: Honduran migrants on their way to a caravan in the United States, hold protest to ask the authorities to allow the rest of the group to cross in Ciudad Hidalgo, Chiapas, Mexico, after leaving Guatemala on 20 October 2018.Pedro Pardo / AFP / Getty Images
Honduran migrants heading to a caravan in the United States staged a protest demanding the authorities allow the rest of the group to cross to Ciudad Hidalgo, Chiapas, Mexico, after leaving Guatemala on 20 October 2018.

The very different games are evident in the campaigns for the Texas Senate, where Trump's rally with Senator Ted Cruz made the headlines. This is also evident in the Florida governorship race, where Hillary Clinton will raise funds behind closed doors – no public events have been scheduled – for Democrat Andrew Gillum on Tuesday.

Both sides think they are right and think their constituents will react. The truth is that no one knows – and this election is volatile differently from previous competitions with national implications.

The RUNDOWN with MaryAlice Parks

President Trump is honest, open and transparent about the political value he sees in the caravan of migrants fleeing violence and poverty in Central America.

Not only does he not mince words, he has made it clear that the caravan – and strong images of the caravan – could be good for Republicans this fall, and he wants to talk about it as much as possible.

Of course, it is a problem – immigration and national security are important issues in virtually every election, at any time.

But the president does not talk about the legislation he is working on or the party has proposed. He is not talking about new diplomacy or plans to curb the insecurity and violence of gangs at the source in Central America.

Republicans have largely failed to reform immigration since the president took office.

What Trump is trying to do, is to avoid other issues that are also of concern to voters, such as health care, wages and corruption, as these problems do not work well.

Until a certain point, that's right. But alarmist, racist and, probably, an alarmist tactic aimed at gaining political gain must be viewed with a critical sense.

The only real idea of ​​the president – to close and militarize the border – is probably illegal. The National Guard or other army officers could assist the Border Patrol, but again, it's a real conversation that we do not have.

The TIP with John Verhovek

Senator Kamala Harris wants you to know that her trip to Iowa is all around 2018.

"I'm really focused on the next 15 days, you can focus on what you think," Harris said. reply to a question from ABC News on Monday about his presidential aspirations.

The California Democrat is in the midst of a two-day election campaign that will take her to central and eastern Iowa and, even though events are likely to boost the candidates of her party during this cycle, her talk suggests that she has her eyes turned to the future.

PHOTO: Senator Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Comes to the Senate's political lunches at the Capitol, May 22, 2018. Tom Williams / Call CQ / Getty Images
Senator Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Goes to the political lunches of the Senate at the Capitol, May 22, 2018.

"This moment will come in. We will go beyond that, I promise you," she told a crowd Monday night in downtown Des Moines.

Harris has four campaign stops expected Tuesday in eastern Iowa: Cedar Falls, Waterloo, Iowa City and Cedar Rapids, while she seeks to boost Democrats in the Hawkeye State during the last weeks of the campaign.


Podcast "Start here" from ABC News. The Tuesday morning episode features Matt Gutman, national correspondent for ABC News, who presents himself alongside the migrant caravan in Mexico. ABC News's chief national affairs correspondent, Tom Llamas, tells us about the race for governorship and senate in the state of Florida. And ABC News's Juju Chang explains the memo disclosed by the Trump administration that many claim it unfairly targets transgender people.

FiveThirtyEight Political Podcast: What should we do with the huge fundraising of Democrats? ABC News's FiveThirtyEight friends discuss how to make sense of unprecedented fundraising benefit: Is it announcing a better result for Democrats than expected, or changes? in fundraising methods have they been a poor predictor of results?


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    The note is a daily report from ABC News that presents a political analysis of the day ahead. Please come back on Tuesday for the last one.

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