An oil spill you've never heard of one of the biggest environmental disasters in the US


The Taylor oil spill is still overgiving after all this time; Dumping What's Believed to be Guns in the Gulf by 2004. By some estimates, the cumulative loss, than the Deepwater disaster, which dumped up to 176.4 million gallons (or 4.2 million barrels) of oil into the Gulf. That would also make the Taylor spill one of the largest offshore environmental disasters in US history.
In September, the Department of Justice submitted an independent study into the nature of the spill claims, which was submitted by the platform to Taylor Energy Co. and compiled by the Coast Guard, significantly underestimated the amount of oil let loose. According to the filing, the Taylor spill is spewing anywhere from 10,000 to 30,000 gallons of oil a day.
As for how much oil has been leaked since the beginning of the spill, it's hard to say. An estimate from SkyTruth, a satellite watchdog organization, puts the total at 855,000 to 4 million gallons by the end of 2017. If you do the math of DOJ's, the number comes out astronomically higher: More than 153 million gallons over 14 years .

Dr. Oscar Garcia-Pineda, who authored the DOJ's commissioned analysis, citing ongoing litigation.

The Taylor spill as seen from a 2015 Louisiana Environmental Action Network aerial patrol.

A community called to action

The Taylor spill started when an oil rig was born in 2004. However, it was not until 2010, after the oil spill, that people really started to notice something wrong. . According to local activists, the warnings did not come from the Coast Guard, the government, or any oil company. They came from people around the Gulf who just saw it with their own eyes.

Marylee Orr is the executive director of the Louisiana Environmental Action Network (LEAN). She says in 2010, a person who looks at another shape, a shadow of an oil slick.

"They said it was coming from the BP spill, and sure enough, it was not," she told CNN. "It was coming from the Taylor Well."

Orr says it was difficult for the community to get answers. Local organizations, including LEAN, compiling data and pressuring Taylor Energy for answers.

"We had to do a lot of research ourselves to find out about it," she says. "How long is it?" "How are we doing?"

"In 2010, nobody really knew, and no one would know, if they were not citizens and non-profit organizations who were just trying to be good stewards," she says.

In 2012, LEAN, along with the Apalachicola Riverkeeper and several other Louisiana environmental organizations, filed suit against Taylor Energy, kicking off years of litigation between activist organizations, the oil company, and various government entities. Taylor settled the lawsuit with LEAN, et. al in 2015.
Taylor Energy liquidated its oil and gas assets and ceased production and drilling in 2008. CNN has reached out to
In the past, Taylor Energy has been asked to submit a report stating that it is "residual" and "there is no evidence to suggest" an ongoing leak. The company also claims to have complied with US Coast Guard regulations regarding the spill.
A statue commemorating the Patrick F. Taylor Foundation, the charitable extension of the now-defunct Taylor Energy Company.

A problem floating right under the radar

John Amos, the founder of SkyTruth, says the oil spill is a problem that has been well known to the national conversation.

"This is one of those dirty little stories that have been hidden for too long," he says CNN. "That's the problem with these chronic, slow-moving things." "They do not slap you in the face like the BP oil spill did."

SkyTruth has been compiling the Coast Guard's data on the oil spill for years and using simple math to estimate the volume of oil being released.

The way it works, Amos explains, is that companies who are responsible for significant spills the spill to the National Response Center, which is operated by the Coast Guard. The company then submits mandatory reports of regular aerial measurements of the spill, which appears to the naked eye as an iridescent sheen on the water.

To get a general idea of ​​how to measure all of these measurements, Amos and his team combines the measurements with the minimum required thickness. That number, they decided, was one micron: One one-millionth of a meter.

That one tiny, almost infinitesimal amount, over the years of leakage, balloons to catastrophic proportions. In December 2017, SkyTruth put the composite estimate of the Taylor oil spill at 855,000 to 3,981,000 gallons.

That estimate, Amos says, is almost assuredly too low.

"The key weakness in our estimates is based on the reporting of the company," he says – reporting that the Department of Justice has said it was extremely under-representative.

Amos is acquainted with the Department of Justice's report and says the analysis of estimates of the Taylor oil spill on satellite imagery, as opposed to Taylor Energy's submitted reports. The discrepancies were severe. Some of the resulting measurements of oil leakage were 17 times larger than Taylor Energy's initial estimates.

A deepwater oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana.

An impact that's hard to measure

Whereas the oil spill is approaching, if not exceeding, the volume of the oil spill, that does not mean the environmental impact is the same.

"Amos says," This is the oil that's leaked out slowly and steadily over time, so the impact on the environment is very different. "One of the vexing things about the Taylor spill is that the consequences of this has been kept under wraps. leak. "

There are other impacts to consider as well: Impacts on corporate accountability, regulations and transparency in the oil industry and the viability and risks of offshore drilling, to name a few. At a time when the White House is said to have broken out in Oregon, where Gov. Kate Brown has just announced that it is poised to remain a painfully rising, if not overdue, touchstone.
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