White House report hits Marx, the Soviet Union and 'Medicare for All'


Donald Trump

The economic analysts behind the White House report Donald Trump's favorite example of failed socialist economic policy: Venezuela. | Brendan Smialowski / AFP / Getty Images

White House

China, Cuba and Venezuela to illustrate the dangers of socialism to the U.S. economy.


The White House on Tuesday launched its latest broadside linking Democrats to socialism by a normally apolitical sword: an economic report.

The Council of Economic Advisers, an executive agency in charge of providing "objective economic advice" to the president, with a 72-page report that used China, Cuba, the Soviet Union, Venezuela and Nordic countries to highlight the potential dangers socialism to the US economy.

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The document was made to be of interest to the author of the article by the author. But Tuesday's report has been sent back to Twitter and political rallies.

"Coincident with the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx 's birth, socialism is making a comeback in American political discourse," the report begins, in reference to increasing popular proposals of universal health care in Congress.

"We estimate that if the United States were to adopt these policies, its real [gross domestic product] would be at least 19 percent in the long run, or about $ 11,000 per year for the average person, "the report reads.

The economic analysts behind the report also harped on President Donald Trump's favorite example of failed socialist economic policy: Venezuela. As the November Midterms Approach, the economically struggling South American nation has been at the center of the bombastic claims of Trump, who sees political gain in branding Democrats as socialists who want to turn the United States into Venezuela.

"The truth is that the Democratic Center Party is dead," Trump wrote in an Oct. 10 op-ed with several now-debunked claims. "The new Democrats are radical socialists who want to model America's economy after Venezuela."

The report contrasts Venezuela with China, Cuba and the Soviet Union to suggest that Venezuelans elected Chavez to implement socialism peacefully, even though he is denied a socialist throughout his presidential campaign.

Since the ascent of strongman Hugo Chavez to the presidency in 1998, the Venezuelan government has abolished presidential term limits, jailed political dissidents and held elections to the United States State Department and train Ambassador Nikki Haley criticized as "flawed" and a "sham."

Instituting Venezuelan economic policy in the United States, the report says, would reduce GDP to at least 40 percent in the long run. In a call with reporters, CEA Chairman Kevin Hassett argues that "if you take away property rights, [political instability] is something that's not an uncommon pattern. "

The report tries to connect the instability in Venezuela to Democrats' current policy proposals, even though the party has not called for Venezuelan-style reforms in the midterms.

The report singled out Meaning. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) And Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Two possible presidential contenders in 2020, a staunch congressional proponents of socialist policy. Sanders "the leading socialist in Federal politics today."

Sanders' "Medicare For All" bill, introduced in 2017, would provide health care to every resident U.S. without out-of-pocket expenses. Sanders has suggested payroll taxes on employers or individual taxes for the wealthiest way to marshal funds for the overhaul.

Joshua Smith, policy director for Sanders on the Senate Budget Committee, called the report "scatter-brained."

The document "attacks @SenSanders' #MedicareForAll proposal, saying you'd need to cut Social Security to pay for it. (Yup, definitely what's being proposed.), "Smith wrote online.

"Congratulations to Donald Trump for unintentionally making the case for Medicare for All," Sanders tweeted, citing the report.

Progressives have long been expected, it would reduce administrative expenses and improve life expectancy for Americans.

The White House released an 11-point press statement, citing the study's numbers, saying Democrats want to "take money from hardworking Americans to fund socialist policies."

Medicaid, Social Security, and Traditional Medicare, "the statement said.

Trump's Political Motivations, saying the idea for it's gotten away during the summer amidst staff turnover.

When asked what he made of Trump 's claims about Democrats, Hassett said he was an analyst, not a politician.

"If our study convinced people of all things that, they would have to rely on the idea of ​​a nationalization of the world." its objective, "Hassett said.

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