Why does Jordan sign parts of its peace agreement with Israel – and what does it mean – Israel News


What happened on Sunday?

King Abdullah of Jordan has announced that he will not renew the agreement relating to two annexed areas – the Zofar enclaves in Arava and Naharayim in the Jordan Valley. Israel has leased these lands for 25 years in accordance with the conditions set out in a bilateral peace treaty signed in October 1994.

What are the enclaves used for now?

The Zofar enclave covers about 1,000 dunums (250 acres) on which dozens of farms are located. The land is used by local farmers, whose main crop is peppers. The Naharayim enclave is the site of the Peace Island Park, which was built in a buffer zone between Jordan and Israel, on the border between them. The land is cultivated by farmers from neighboring kibbutzim.

In 1997, about three years after the creation of the enclave, a Jordanian soldier fired at a group of Israeli teenagers on a school trip and murdered seven. He was sentenced to life imprisonment by a Jordanian military court and, on the Israeli side of the border, a memorial was erected in memory of the victims, in the form of seven hills of land surrounded by grass.

A memorial of the murdered girls in Naharayim, October 22, 2018.

Gil Eliahu

What happened in the kingdom before the Jordanian announcement?

At the beginning of the year, Jordanian citizens gradually began to demonstrate against the government, due to a series of economic and political measures. Citizens have protested against rising prices, corruption and the adoption of new legislation. In September, protesters also highlighted the problem of the two enclaves, when members of parliament approached the issue knowing that the expiry date of the treaty was approaching (the lease had been renewed automatically every year since 1994, in the absence side).

Unions in Jordan, important leaders of public opinion, joined the protest, which led to a mass rally bringing together hundreds of participants. In addition, dozens of MPs signed a petition demanding that the treaty's guidelines for the two enclaves not be renewed.

Why did Jordan decide not to renew?

In addition to the question of sovereignty over the territories in question, Jordan should strive in the coming year to reach a better agreement for the continuation of leasing. The announcement of the refusal to renew the annexation agreement paves the way for further negotiations with Israel on the conditions of leasing and the use of the two enclaves.

Agriculture in Zofar, located along the Israeli-Jordanian border, October 22, 2018.

Eliyahu Hershkovitz

How did Israel receive the announcement?

The Israeli government was completely surprised by the announcement of the refusal to renew the clauses of the treaty relating to the enclaves.

What is Israel supposed to do in response?

Israel is expected to enter into negotiations with Jordan next year with the aim of leaving the areas in question under Israeli control. After the announcement made by the Jordanian King, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: "We will enter into negotiations with Jordan on the possibility of extending the current agreement".

The Prime Minister also explained the importance of the peace treaty with Jordan in these terms: "There is no question, from a general point of view, that the treaty as a whole is an important and valuable asset for two countries. We are observing this treaty in the context of fruitful cooperation with Egypt in many areas, of an unprecedented nature since the peace agreements. [were signed]. These two treaties appear as the main pillars of regional stability. "

Location of the two territories leased to Jordan by Israel after the 1994 peace treaty

Are there additional territories whose lease is limited in time in the peace treaty with Jordan?


When and how will the new stage be implemented?

It is still unclear whether this step will actually be implemented and how, in light of the planned negotiations between the countries on the terms of the continuation of the lease.

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