China will launch an artificial moon


The Chinese city of Chengdu will soon enjoy fancy lighting at night while scientists from the Tian Fu Space Science Society aim to launch an artificial moon by 2020. The moon will orbit at above Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province. The artificial moon will compliment the natural moon and is supposed to be eight times brighter !!!

How does the new moon work


The Moon will orbit alone 500 km above the Earth and replace streetlights at night, saving energy. The bill that could be saved each year through this innovation is close to 1.2 billion yuan ($ 174 million), said scientist Wu Chunfeng.

This is not enough to brighten the entire night sky, its expected brightness, in the eyes of the man, is about one-fifth of the streetlamps normal. The position and brightness of the light beam can be changed and the accuracy of its coverage a few tens of meters.

The first moon will be essentially experimental, but the three moons of 2022 will be a real potential, with great civic and commercial potential, "said Wu. The three new artificial moons can take turns reflecting sunlight because they will not be always in the sky. better position relative to the sun and together they can illuminate an area of ​​approximately 3,600 to 6,400 km2 on Earth for 24 hours, if any,

We will only test in an uninhabited desert, so our light beams will not interfere with anybody or equipment based on Earth-based space observation, he said. When the satellite is in motion, people will only see a bright star above, not a giant moon as imagined.

Who else thinks in the same way …

The Chinese are not the first to have tried to launch a similar project. In 1999, as part of a project called Banner, Russia attempted to send a mirror of 2.5 diameter in space. The project would have failed due to financial constraints after the spatial mirror failed to launch and could not be continued.

Apart from China, Russia, the United States, Japan and European countries all seek to exploit the energy of space, and mirrored mirrors would have been on the table for some time.

Will the artificial moon contribute to global warming?

Of course, Mr. Wu mentioned conducting tests in isolated places, but will the artificial moon after the launch affect nocturnal animals?

From the explanation given, there is still work to be done in a scientific way, and the technology itself and who knows, the Chinese can succeed.

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