Europe a "total mess" due to illegal immigration


PResident Trump warned on Wednesday that the United States could end a "total mess" like that of Europe if they did not strengthen their border with Mexico to prevent illegal aliens.

"For those who want and plead in favor of illegal immigration, just look closely at what has happened to Europe over the last five years. A total mess! They only wish to have this decision to take again, "tweeted Trump.

"We are a great sovereign nation. We have strong borders and will never accept that people enter our country illegally! ", He added in a second tweet.

Trump has turned back to immigration as a migrant caravan made up of several thousand people heading for the US-Mexico border. Migrants from Honduras are still more than 1,000 km from the Texas border.

Trump said the caravan was a national emergency and threatened to reduce or reduce aid to countries that had not prevented the caravan from traveling to the US border. The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday that a second caravan was being formed in Guatemala.

Trump took advantage of the migrant crisis in Europe to reinforce his argument for a border wall.

"I think it's very bad for Europe … I think what happened is very difficult.It's a very difficult situation – you see the same attacks Terrorists than me, "Trump told a press conference with British Premier Theresa May in July.

"I just think it changes culture, I think it's a very negative thing for Europe," he said.

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