Rajon Rondo said Chris Paul was a "horrible teammate". 2 ex-NBAers are in agreement.


The fight of Chris Paul and Rajon Rondo, who probably started out spitting and which ended definitely with a punch of Brandon Ingram, brings skeletons out of the closet.

In an interview with ESPN, Rondo drew attention to Paul's character saying, "Everyone wants to believe that Chris Paul is a good guy. They do not know he's a horrible teammate. They do not know how he treats people. Look what he did last year when he was in LA; trying to go to Clippers' locker room. They do not want to believe that he is able to taunt and trigger an incident. "

Since the trio's multi-match suspensions were announced, former Clippers Glen Davis and Ryan Hollins echoed Rondo's sentiments. Davis squarely called Paul a bad teammate on Instagram while Hollins said "he has more and more to do." Hollins then Praises Rondo as one of his favorite teammates on Twitter.

Rockets owner Daryl Morey has launched the final shot (for now) with a cryptic pot and kettle tweet, which may have been his way of throwing Rondo 's shadow over the Mavericks in the 2015 playoffs.

The rivalry between Rondo and Paul is old and has been highlighted by saliva and / or cuts in the face.

Here's all we know about the fight and the character of those involved.

Rondo still claims that he did not spit on Paul.

It's hard to come to a conclusive conclusion about Spitgate with the video evidence provided. The reactions give the impression that Someone & # 39; a to spit in Paul's face, although some said it may have been an accidental friend's shot at Carmelo Anthony. Whatever the case may be, Rondo uses his mouthpiece as an alibi.

"I had a tip in my mouth and I [was] exasperated because I was getting ready to tell him [expletive] get out of here, "Rondo told ESPN. "Look at my body language. My hands on my hips. I turn around for a second. Watch Eric (Gordon) and Melo in the video. If they saw me spitting, they would have flipped their faces or something. They had no reaction. "

Davis and Hollins had bad reviews for Chris Paul as a teammate

Davis and Hollins both played with the two men in question, but they do not have pretty things to say about the Rockets leader.

Davis spent less than two seasons with Paul in Los Angeles and that was apparently enough. He used Instagram to say squarely "CP3 is a very bad teammate".

Hollins was not so sharp, tell Alex Kennedy at HoopsHype"He has more and more to do. All that glitters is not gold.

Hollins then tweeted to support Rondo.

These are just examples of two straight players and, in all likelihood, active players keep their opinions for themselves.

Kenyon Martin talked about not trusting Paul

In May, during Colin Cowherd's show, Martin said:

People think [Paul] is a politician. People do not trust politicians. He's doing things in the locker room that some teammates are questioning. Acting on management and coaches, people deem it devious.

They think that he has a hidden agenda that does not include the other 14 guys.

Here is this video:

That was before the Rondo-Paul fight, so Paul's presence as an adverse teammate was discussed well before the fight on Saturday night.

This drama is likely to persist

It is possible that Rondo and Paul are bad teammates for some and excellent for others, but we will have to wait 15 years for everyone's book to know.

For the moment, Rondo and Paul are the best to get the attention of the media for their jokes on and off the field, and as they both play for prestigious teams, they will surely have a step to continue this momentum. The Lakers and Rockets are scheduled to play twice more, on December 13 and January 19. Mark your calendars.

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