"Device" sent to Cuomo has nothing to do with bombs sent to political figures


A "device" has been sent to Governor Andrew Cuomo's office in Manhattan, he said Wednesday – but police later said it was a USB drive allegedly sent by the Proud Boys.

Cuomo mentioned the device at a press conference to discuss bombs sent to the homes of other Democratic personalities and CNN headquarters in New York.

"As you've heard, there are a number of devices and it seems like the number of devices is the same, we would not be surprised at all if more devices appear. A device was sent to my office in Manhattan, which we have just been informed of, "Cuomo said at a press conference outside CNN's headquarters in Columbus Circle.

The police then said that his office had not received a bomb – it was actually an envelope marked "Proud Boys" and containing the USB key inside.

Cuomo recently ordered the state police to investigate the Proud Boys – a far-right organization – after its members were allegedly involved in a violent brawl outside the Metropolitan Republican Club on the Upper East Side .

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