The internment camps "are no different from those of the United Kingdom, France and the United States"


CHina's use of internment camps as part of a much-maligned anti-terrorism strategy is inspired by Western tactics, according to a Beijing-based diplomat.

"The practices in China do not differ from those in the United Kingdom, France and the United States," Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hua Chunying told reporters. "We oppose double standards in the fight against terrorism."

The Chinese authorities have invoked the terrorist threat to justify the arrest of hundreds of thousands of Uyghur Muslims as part of the intense crackdown on the ethnic and religious minority. One of the main communist leaders recently defended this practice as a form of "extremization reduction education," but Western officials see it as a violation of human rights. " man on the industrial scale.

"These are all the active efforts we have made to prevent terrorism and eliminate extremism in order to eliminate the evil of the egg, cure the" disease "and save the population, by doing our best to protect their human rights, including their right to liberty, life and development, and to protect them from terrorism and extremism, "Hua said.

US officials have shone the spotlight on the Xinjiang camps in recent months, including lawmakers who want the president to impose sanctions on Communist Party officials involved in the crackdown.

"We believe targeted sanctions will have an impact," said R-Fla representative Senator Marco Rubio and Chris Smith, R-N.J. In a letter dated the month of August, signed by a group of bipartite legislators. "As the Chinese government seeks to expand its influence through the Belts and Roads Initiative, the last thing Chinese leaders want is international condemnation of their mistreatment and abuse of ethnic minorities." and nuns. "

China reacted to this condemnation by saying that the camps were "people-oriented" and provided the Uighurs with valuable language and professional training. "Thanks to the professional training, most of the trainees were able to reflect on their mistakes and clearly see the essence and misdeeds of terrorism and religious extremism," said Shohrat Zakir, president of the region. Xinjiang, to a government media. "They notably improved the national conscience, the civil conscience, the conscience of the rule of law and the sense of the community of the Chinese nation."

Zakir claimed that a "trainee" had praised the camp, saying "he has actively rescued and helped me," but Western authorities are more convinced by the horrific stories of how the regime is broadcasting these lessons.

"The declared goal of the current campaign is to" Sinise religion "and" to adapt religion to a socialist society ", suggesting that Beijing is betting that it now has the political, diplomatic and technological capabilities to transform religion and the ethnicity of Chinese society Last July, Ambassador Kelley Currie, US diplomat second in the United Nations at the United Nations, told lawmakers that the predecessors could never, even at the height of the horrors of Cultural revolution and other hateful Maoist campaigns, aiming to reshape Chinese society.

Hua called for a balanced report on the subject. "We hope that media friends can refrain from listening to this one-sided story and observe the efforts of other countries to effectively combat terrorism and counter extremism in accordance with the law, "she said.

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