Larysa Switlyk: 5 facts in brief to know


Larysa Switlyk

Larysa Switlyk / Twitter

Larysa Switlyk

"Take cabbage pots on goats on a cliff. What an absolutely disgusting human. "

The person described is the host of a women's hunting program, although it seems that she is also followed by a man. Floridan Larysa Switlyk travels the world's hunting trophies while taking out hunting equipment for rifle ammunition, as can be seen in his Instagram account. She marks the sponsors in almost all her posts, like that of her camo leggings designed with an AR15 on the side.

Popular, it has 150,000 social media subscribers and videos from its YouTube channel have been viewed nearly half a million times.

Her hunting trip to the Scottish Highlands, where she tracks down and kills sheep and goats, makes Scotland furious.

Here's what you need to know:

1. Switlyk tweeted and caught on Instagram to pose with his trophy Kills Goat & Sheep and Scotts caught sharing their anger and disgust

On her Instagram starting October 10, Switlyk shared pictures of her with her death. two goats, one wild and one probably domestic, a domestic sheep and a red deer.

Switlyk and three other people stayed in a highland castle on the island of Islay, Scotland, where they tracked down and killed grazing deer, wild goats and farm animals. And the images, Switlyk's glamorous images and his victims, are designed to encourage others to come to Scotalnd and do the same. She sells tours.

"Beautiful wild goat here on the island of Islay in Scotland. Such a fun hunt !! They live on the edge of the cliffs of the island and know how to hide well. We hunted hard for two days for a headline and we finally managed to be part of that group. Make a perfect 200 yard shot and drop it with @gunwerks and @nightforce_optics! (Good thing too because he could have run into the cliff to go into the water). If you are interested in hunting in Scotland and visiting whiskey, send an email to [email protected] "

Switlyk has published images of her deer picking up and standing, with the full makeup and sportswear she's selling, namely leggings.

"I feel like kings staying at Mingary Castle and petting red deer with my telescope @nightforce_optics ~ @wsisports AR15."

She also hunted down deer and killed a deer that she posed in such a way if she appears alive.

"Beautiful hunting leading to a Scottish royal deer ~ Interested in hunting in Scotland? Email [email protected]. "

2. Switlyk says she hunts big game. Locals say they hunted cattle

Switlyk posted trophy photos of four animals killed, although posed to appear alive. At least two people are described as pets or farm animals.

She described her efforts as "a big game hunt".

Comments on his social network, many who say live on Islay, did not have it.

"It's the flock of somebody! We do not have wild sheep in Scotland. Just open the pasture. In addition, tups (rams) are usually tamed because they must be caught regularly for breeding, "wrote one of them.

"I asked myself. I have a friend who has blackies and he said he worked with the sheep horns. I wonder if he has labels in his ears, "asked another.

A black-faced sheep such as the ram that she tracked down and killed is a national breed sheep bred for wool and meat. The animals graze on the hills and mountains.

"I live in Islay and many people are absolutely disgusted about it," wrote one resident.

"These goats are so docile that we can accompany them and catch them by hand. Do you believe these publications are trustworthy? I live on Islay and it's embarrassing, "wrote another.

According to Visit Scotland, the Ardnamurchan Peninsula is "a wild, secluded and beautiful place, full of beautiful scenery and located on the west coast of Scotland." Described as an island without soil, isolated and teeming with wild animals, including wild goats, deer, dolphins, whales and birds of prey, the land includes moors, forests, lochs and beaches of the bay. Sanna.

3. Scots asked Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon to act. She tweeted on Wednesday and a petition to Parliament was created

People wanted to know if trophy hunting was legal in Scotland and if it went well with the trophy looking for wild goats.

"I can not believe how many animals she murdered during her holidays in Scotland. @ NicolaSturgeon How can you let this happen? "

Sturgeon replied, "It is quite understandable that Islay's images of dead animals considered trophies are so shocking and offensive to people. @scotgov will review the current situation and will determine if it is necessary to amend the law. "

Many comments on his Scottish message on his publication describe Switlyk as "cruel" and "sick" and that she is not welcome in Scotland.

"If that's what you want to do, do not come near Scotland. People like you are not wanted, "wrote one of them.

"You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself, odious people. Leave, you are not welcome, "wrote another.

A petition to Parliament to ban trophy hunting on the basis of Switlyk's actions is gaining ground. His hunting and profit are called "foolish acts that are in contradiction with the peaceful environment of the island and the nation".

"Scotland is internationally renowned for its untouched nature and progressive social climate. Chasing helpless animals with high-tech weapons to brag about is quite contrary to the values ​​of the Scottish people. This disrupts an ecosystem and reinforces human dominance over species that coexist in symbiosis with the local for centuries. "

"Ms. Switlyk used her photos to announce hunt experience tours to an American and international audience. Trophy Hunting tarnishes the image of our esteemed tourism industry and jeopardizes the beauty of our long-established natural habitat. "

The petition reads: "Although we know that certain types of criminal harassment / hunting are often the subject of debate in Parliament because of the control of the population, this petition hopes that the government Scottish will recognize that it is never justified to hunt for native and peaceful species. with high tech equipment for an absurd boost of ego. For these reasons, trophy hunting must be made a punishable crime throughout Scotland. "

4. Scots are angry at Switlyk trophy hunt, Scottish 'sporting director' at Ardnamurchan

The last time Niall Rowantree tweeted was last year, and with about 100 subscribers, he and the West Highland Hunting group may not be known. Indeed, a click on the link supposed to attract visitors to the sites Ardnamurchan Estates and Mingary Castle, the place designated by Switlyk in his photos, has not yet been launched and is "under construction. That said, there is an e-mail address to contact for "sports bookings".

In an article in FieldSports magazine, he stated that British primitive goats are rare and inferior to 1,200 to 1,500; they are considered a domesticated goat.

However, the author, Simon Barr, wrote that "despite their relatively small numbers, the fact that wild goats graze instead of grazing means that they cause tremendous damage" to the vegetation that they can reach. He writes that as part of his hunt, which he describes as one of the most memorable of his life, goats, because of their agility, can "climb steep hillsides to feed themselves, which leads to Increased soil and soil erosion, while their ability to eat tree bark detachment poses forestry and forest management and biodiversity problems in these areas. A "controversial reform of the goats" followed.

Scottish mountain goats are among the first animals domesticated by humans.

"Designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Area of ​​Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), Ardnamurchan is home to a variety of wildlife, including golden eagles and white-tailed eagles, otters, deer, wild cats, weasels and martens. for my visit – a population of wild goats that are healthy and sustainable, "he wrote.

On Wednesday, Roseanna Cunningham, Secretary General of the Scottish Government in charge of Environment, Climate Change and Agrarian Reform, tweeted that it was not only illegal to hunt, it was also necessary to eliminate people. She however pointed out that there was an understanding of the "concerns raised by these images" and that the agency will look into the matter.

Switlyk's mission is to encourage people, especially children and women, to look for trophies. She sells calendars, jewelery, sporting goods and now, trophy trips

His website and other biographies explain that Switlyk "grew up with three older brothers and a fear of guns. Yet, his education has taught him to be strong, brave and not afraid to try anything. "

She describes herself as a "mixture of tomboy and style" with an adventurous and competitive tendency. A certified public accountant in New York, she said she was not made for life in the city or for the job: "A visceral feeling told her that something was missing in her life."

She began to hunt: "Larysa's passion for traveling, meeting new people, discovering new places and experiences, led her to discover her when she booked a hunt in New Zealand. Although she had never fired a rifle before, she immediately fell in love with the lifestyle of the hunt. She realized that she had a natural talent for shooting and hunting. She always loved the outdoors, but it was only later in her life that she discovered true love and zeal for hunting. Larysa discovered her calling and booked her second hunting adventure in South Africa! Larysa is the only person who hunts and fishes in her family and has added bow to her arsenal, continuing to hunt when she can. Recently, she had the chance to experience hunting in Argentina, Europe, Canada and all over the United States. "

She now has a show called Larysa Unleashed that appears on Wild Tv, Pursuit Channel, Tuff TV, Action Channel and Women's Outdoor Network on Roku! Action Channel, Untamed Sports TV and Tuff TV.

"Viewers will follow Larysa while she promotes the outdoor lifestyle, offering a taste of adventure while she turns into a hardcore huntress. Along the way, Larysa wants to encourage the public, especially children and women, to go hunting and to experience the outdoors, "says his website. "Whether it's to teach them to shoot with a weapon for the first time, or to hunt alongside it for an incredible trophy, it will be nothing less than an extreme adventure!"

Its sponsors include gun and knife makers, taxidermists, a rifle company, "Limbsaver" recoil products and a line of jewelery including metal and leather bracelets, its own line of leggings for women to wear to hunting in collaboration with Americans. sportswear manufacturer. She even sells calendars.

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