Heron's London tower is closed and the Alain Robert SCALES Spiderman building does not have a harness | UK | New


The illegal climb of 662 feet was without safety equipment and with his bare hands.

The uniformed police arrived at 13:37 and set up a bead of paper glued around the building while urging the crowd to back off and stay off the road.

Mr. Robert said before leaving that he was likely to be arrested. People watched social media to film and photograph the daredevil who climbed the building.

The Frenchman, who reached the top of the tower – now known as the Salesforce Tower – barely half an hour later.

The show caused a storm on social media. One person said, "A 56-year-old guy is climbing into our building."

Another said, "Spot the human spider: Alain Robert has started a surprise climb of 760 feet here in the city. He climbs the Heron Tower, which should last about an hour. The police closed the surrounding streets; he is likely to be arrested. "

Before his rise, the 56-year-old said, "I feel really alive when my life is at stake. It may sound a bit scary and crazy, but it's like that. "

It is believed that the French Spiderman only decided which building he would attack on Monday.

He said, "I saw it, I touched it a bit, I tried it just a little bit.

"I do not know much, it 's really only when I start climbing that I know, I need to feel it.

"I've been climbing for 44 years, that's what I know as a way of living and expressing myself and living my dreams, my passion and living my life as fully as possible.

"Certainly it's dangerous, I have some knowledge, I have a solid background."

Mr. Robert measures 5 grams and weighs about 7 pounds.

It has a low ratio of fat between bone and muscle, which promotes its extreme athleticism.

In addition to chalk to improve friction between the skin and the building, fingers and thin gloves such as pads to prevent the building "aggressive" tear them.

The Heron Tower is a 755-foot commercial skyscraper. Its 92-foot mast is the tallest building in London's financial district and the third tallest in the UK – after the Shard at Southwark and One Canada Square at Canary Wharf. .

The French Spiderman is a renowned urban mountaineer.

It will be his first ascent in London for nine years.

He climbed unassisted some of the tallest skyscrapers in the world.

This is often for political reasons or to mark a specific event.

Robert's previous ascents include the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Empire State Building in New York. In London, Mr. Robert climbed the Lloyds Building twice in 2004 and 2009, as well as Portland House in 2008.

During his visit to London in 2012, The Shard issued a High Court injunction against him, fearing that he would climb to the outside of the building.

The crowd, pushed back to about 150 m from the building, is applauded when Mr. Robert waved his hand three quarters of the rise of the skyscraper at 13:59.

Mr. Robert raised his arms to applaud when he reached the top at 2:14 pm.

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