Watch NASA release 450,000 gallons of water in 1 minute


The system uses 450,000 gallons of water and is created to reduce the heat and noise caused by a rocket launch but – even without the rocket – it is impressive to watch. It’s called the Ignition Overpressure Protection and Sound Suppression system, and NASA uses it to keep the launch pad at a manageable temperature even as its being blasted by a rocket.

Once a rocket leaves the launch pad, all eyes turn skyward, but the technology that keeps launch sites working at their peak efficiency is pretty darn interesting in its own right. The goal: reduce the extreme amount of heat and energy generated by a rocket launch. A previous wet flow test took place in May.

The test was carried out at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

NASA conducted a similar test earlier this year, allowing them to identify any necessary issues and make modifications to improve its performance.

The test is part of preparations for the launch of the Exploration Mission-1 and subsequent missions.

“Exploration Mission-1 is the first in a series of increasingly complex missions that will enable human exploration to the Moon and Mars”, NASA said. It is expected to launch in June 2020.

The system is created to carry larger payloads and generate more energy, which could open the door to deep space missions “including robotic scientific missions to places like Mars, Saturn and Jupiter”, said NASA.

‘It will blaze a trail that people will follow on the next Orion flight, pushing the edges of the envelope to prepare for that mission’.

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