Trump supporter fired over wearing MAGA hat, lawsuit claims


A former city employee in Indiana filed a lawsuit Wednesday alleging he was fired over voicing support for President Trump and wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap, a report says.

Michael J. Dale, a former supervisor in the Indianapolis Department of Public Works, claims in the reverse discrimination lawsuit that he was unlawfully fired in April because of his “Caucasian” race, age and for engaging in free speech, the Indianapolis Star reported.

“Defendants have treated significantly younger, non-Caucasian employees and employees who did not engage in protected speech … more favorably in discipline than it has treated Dale,” the lawsuit, obtained by the paper, alleges.

Dale wore a “Make America Great Again” at work in 2016 and vocally supported then-candidate Trump in front of his co-workers, according to the lawsuit. It claims a local union representative later spoke at a staff meeting of Dale’s support for Trump.

The suit also claims that a year later he and several older supervisors were asked when they planned to stop working. Dale was fired for “lack of leadership” in April 2018.

Defendants in the suit include the city of Indianapolis, the deputy director of Public Works and a union president, according to the paper.

The bright red “MAGA” cap has been a point of contention during the Trump presidency, sometimes bringing trouble for those who wear the apparel.

Earlier this month, a local TV reporter in southern Minnesota was fired when he was photographed wearing the cap at a Trump rally he was covering, while Kanye West was bombarded with boos and criticism for donning the hat during his appearance on “Saturday Night Live” in September.

In August, a Texas man was charged with theft of person after being caught on video stealing a teen’s “Make America Great Again Hat,” criticizing his support for Trump and throwing a drink in the youngster’s face.

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