The death watch of Megyn Kelly today in full swing


<p class = "canvas-canvas-text canvas Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "You've seen the latest issue of Megyn Kelly on Today & # 39; hui, but she is not yet completely out of NBC. "data-reactid =" 18 "> You saw the last issue of Megyn Kelly on Today & # 39; hui, but it's not completely out of NBC yet – for the moment.

<p class = "canvas-atom-web-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Insiders tell a report that the former star of Fox New Channel finito is premature, but they certainly do not bother to discuss real inevitability. In this void, the rumor reached optimal results on Thursday with words like "Canceled" and "Exit", a day after Kelly embarked on a game of musical chairs from the Hollywood agency. "Data-reactid =" 19 "> report that the former star of Fox New Channel finito is premature, but they certainly do not bother to discuss real inevitability. In this void, the rumor reached its climax Thursday with terms like "canceled" and "exit", a day after Kelly engaged in a game of musical chairs from the Hollywood agency.

With a pivotal meeting between Kelly's lawyer and the Comcast-owned network officials, scheduled for Friday, the writing is on the wall for quite some time. Kelly, one year after the start of her three-year $ 69 million contract, was absent from her 9:00 am (EST) show today, and will also be away tomorrow. and, according to some sources, has indeed left. Only the details need to be solved.

Two days earlier, Kelly had surprised NBC News with her lively defense of Blackface's Halloween costumes. The offensive remarks allowed Andy Lack to take advantage of the last drop of his experience on Big Bucks to bring viewers excited to the franchise of the morning TV program by adding the famous lightning rod of Fox News, which prides itself to be proud, as she reminded us once again. this week she is "not pc."

Meanwhile, reports that Kelly may return to Fox News Channel's welcome arm are driving water away, as a Fox News spokesperson says enthusiastically to the press: "We are extremely excited about the news. all of our programming. " in prime time: Sean Hannity is about to experience the highest ranked month in his history with the NCFs; Tucker Carlson is # 1 in his time slot in the news demo and total viewers and so on.

Lack, on Wednesday, held a public meeting with the staff and kicked off the debate by strongly condemning Kelly's latest attack, setting the Comcast Elimination Marathon on the move. Reporters who cover television, whose nerves collapse at the glacial pace at which these things are happening in the huge media, began when a simple "Sorry, you deflate, take out bullshit," has started The press announced that the withdrawal was over, but it is clear that NBC will not be able to put it back on the air after this last debacle.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "On Thursday morning, NBC News announced that she was out of service the rest of the week under the circumstances, a repeated episode of Megyn Kelly today "data-reactid =" 24 "> On Thursday morning, NBC News announced that it would be away the rest of the week under the circumstances, a repeated episode of Megyn Kelly today broadcast.

<p class = "canvas-atom-text-canvas Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "In truth, Kelly was badly suited to demonstrated the first day she asked the superfan of Will & Grace, whose cast members were his guest that day, "Is it true that you became a lawyer and that you became gay because of Will?" W & G Star Debra Messing felt compelled to assure fans: "Honestly, I did not know it was MK until morning. The itinerary simply indicates the appearance of "Today Show". Regret passes. Disappointed by his comments. "" Data-reactid = "25"> In truth, Kelly was uncomfortable from the start. As she demonstrated the very first day asking the superfan of Will & Grace, whose cast members were his guest that day, "Is it true that you became a lawyer and that you became gay because of Will?" W & G Star Debra Messing felt compelled to assure fans: "Honestly, I did not know it was MK until morning. The itinerary simply indicates the appearance of "Today Show". Regret passes. Disappointed by his comments. "

Later, doing one of these celebrity interviews with Jane Fonda and Robert Redford as part of promoting their new movie on Netflix, Kelly did not inform Fonda of her policy. However, she found another way to derail the interview by preparing the actress with the compliment "You've been an example to everyone in how to age beautifully and forcefully," followed by the question: "J & I read that you said you are not proud to admit that your work is done. Why not?"

A few months later, however, Kelly was playing the Hanoi Jane Card when she said on her show that Fonda "has no reason to talk to anyone about what is considered offensive" after questioning Fonda. about this delicate meeting on Kelly's show while she was invited elsewhere.

But Kelly made herself heard this week by asking her wholly white panel, "What is racist?"

"Really, you have problems if you are a white person who puts a blackface for Halloween, or a black person who has put a whiteface for Halloween. When I was a kid, it was okay as long as you disguised yourself as a character.

It is worth mentioning that Kelly is 47 years old and would have been in Halloween costume about 40 years ago, and that times have changed in almost half a century. But that also places his childhood in the 70s – not in the 30s.

As Kelly began to struggle to book A-list guests on her show, she began to book victims of sexual harassment, a topic that reminded viewers of her celebrity status when candidate Donald Trump attacked as a result of the question she had asked him during the first debate on the GOP vile manners in which he had described women over the years.

<p class = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "More recently, Kelly seemed to be creating a story that would she could be on the outs at NBC News because of her coverage of the # MeToo movement, telling We "I know too much that others do not know" about maintaining Matt Lauer's job, then a sudden reversal of NBC News, when asked if Lauer could make a comeback. "data-reactid =" 34 "> More Recently, Kelly appeared to be setting up a screenplay that would put her on stage at NBC News because of her coverage of the #MeToo movement. We "I know too much that others do not know" about keeping Matt Lauer's job, then his sudden ouster from NBC News, when asked if Lauer could make a comeback.

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Today, what is the desperate effort to distract from his blackface remarks and throw out his eviction from the Today & # 39; hui Another #MeToo moment in the history of NBC News, Kelly's lawyer would have demanded that Ronan Farrow testify of the meeting scheduled for Friday between Kelly's camp and the NBC channel manager to talk about his future. "data-reactid =" 35 "> Today, in what marks of a desperate effort to divert the attention of his blackface remarks and throw his ouster from the Today & # 39; hui Another #MeToo moment in NBC News' story, Kelly's lawyer reportedly asked Ronan Farrow to attend Friday's meeting between Kelly's camp and the NBC channel manager to discuss his future.

<p class = "canvas-atom web-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Farrow left NBC News when the division refused to broadcast his report on women's claims against Hollywood mega-producer Harvey Weinstein, claiming that he was not ready for broadcast. New Yorkerand the rest of the story, and the Farrow Pulitzer Prize, is history. "data-reactid =" 36 "> Farrow is famous after leaving NBC News when the division refused to air its report on women's claims against Hollywood mega-producer Harvey Weinstein, claiming Farrow presented his work to the public. New Yorkerand the rest of the story and the Farrow's Pulitzer Prize is history.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "NBC Today & # 39; hui Almanner is a fan of predilections to pass the relay at 9 am Kelly Today & # 39; hui time slot, at least on an interim basis. That makes sense, as he was one of Today & # 39; hui The two co-hosts of the slot machine, Tamron Hall, were for several years, until NBC raised $ 70 million to win the Fox News Channel star, giving him the hour. "data-reactid =" 37 "> Today & # 39; hui Almanner is a fan of predilections to pass the relay at 9 am Kelly Today & # 39; hui time slot, at least on an interim basis. That makes sense, as he was one of Today & # 39; hui The two co-hosts of the slot machine – Tamron Hall was the other – for several years, until NBC unlocked $ 70 million to win the Fox News Channel star, giving him the 'hour.

Al Roker on the release of Tamron Hall from NBC News

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "More recently, Roker is the guy who, Wednesday – aka , the next morning, Kelly pronounced his defense of Blackface's Halloween costumes, "provided it is respectful" – said Today & # 39; hui viewers hardly apologized for the previous day's apology, and that she owed "apologies to the people of color of the country". , the day after Kelly's presentation of her defense of Blackface's Halloween costumes, "provided it is respectful" – said Today & # 39; hui viewers, the excuses of the day before the staff were not enough and she had to "apologize to the people of color of the country".

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "" This is a story, dating back to the 1830s [with] minstrel shows. To lower and denigrate a race was not right. I am old enough to have lived Amos 'n' Andy where you had whites in black face playing two black characters who only magnified the stereotypes about the blacks. And that's the big problem, "he said, adding," He does not get any good. "Data-reactid =" 50 ">" This is a story dating back to the 1830s. [with] minstrel shows. To lower and denigrate a race was not right. I am old enough to have lived Amos 'n' Andy where you had whites in black face playing two black characters who only magnified the stereotypes about the blacks. And that's the big problem, "he said, adding," The result is no good. It is not fair.

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