Kim Kardashian hints at the launch of a new KKW body fragrance


Kim Kardashian West seems to be about to launch a new exciting KKW fragrance that comes with an inclusion message.

The naive, 38-year-old beauty debuted in April 2018 with her signature KKW Body fragrance in a nude-body bottle. leading us to believe that a new perfume might be coming.

Unlike its latest KKW Body packaging, these photos imply that Kardashian West launches different fragrances in different shapes, sizes and skin tones, to further promote inclusion in the beauty industry.

The first image showed a dark-skinned woman lying on her side with unbrushed stretch marks visible on her hips.

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Another picture shows a thin, light-skinned, stretched-to-the-side woman, who may be the sister of Kardashian West's 22-year-old model, Kendall Jenner.

The last picture showed a more curvy woman posing beside her like the other two women. Her photo also featured non-photoshopped stretch marks on her belly.

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When Kardashian West's first KKW body fragrance was launched, the reality TV star released a series of suggestive nude images to promote it. In one, she shared a nude picture of herself. In the backstage picture, the mother of three was covered in gray plaster, but that was not enough to cover her lower regions or her nipples. She was forced to fade her private parts.

"We took a mold from my body and made a bottle of perfume," she captioned on this revealing image.

Kardashian West said seduce why she wanted to mold a mold of her own body for the bottle. "My house contains all these sculptures. We have these two big angels who look like the bottle because they are only headless torsos and the legs are cut at the thighs, "she said.

"We have [the bottle] Kardashian West continued, "So it was sort of based on sculptures."

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