Republicans view safety net programs as deficit balloons


This process has its limits, but the Republicans' myriad efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act is a guide. The bill, which ultimately failed, would have transformed Medicaid, the health care program for the poor, into global state grants, while slowly curbing its expansion under the Affordable Care Act and reducing spending. programs devoted to this program.

"Last year, when we tried to repeal Obamacare, very serious efforts were made to reform Medicaid," said Senator Patrick J. Toomey, Republican of Pennsylvania. "We almost joined the Republican senators on the idea that we must not only change the architecture of the program, but also its long-term growth."

It would be their easiest game, especially if the Republican majority was expanding in the Senate.

"If the Republicans keep the House, I have no doubt that they will redouble their efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and reduce funding," said New Jersey representative Frank Pallone Jr. Higher Democratic Party of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, who said: oversees the program, in an email. Indeed, if the Republicans keep control of the Congress, they might consider it a mandate from the electorate.

Republicans have long envisioned allowing some private investment in social security, but no serious legislative attempts since the fall of President George W. Bush when he attempted to change the program in 2005.

President Barack Obama has proposed cuts in social security in exchange for new revenue in the "grand agreement" that he had reached with the then Speaker of the House, John Boehner, towards the end of their mandate. But Republicans in the House rejected this idea, which collapsed under the weight of partisan fights.

In addition, the retirement program is generally considered a lesser threat to fiscal solvency than Medicare, as its spending is not growing as fast as health programs.

[Read more about campaign pledges regarding Social Security.]

And given the political polarization, Democrats and Republicans are reluctant to agree on a plan to overhaul the program, which would be necessary for any major change.

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