Ranking of each season of Netflix Marvel


Marvel Netflix Shows

Although it was launched only in 2015, the Netflix segment of Marvel Cinematic Universe already has enough content to surpass that of the big screen, with six different shows, eleven different seasons and more than 100 hours of action.

It all started with a shocking hell, Daredevil banished all the memories of the 2003 movie Godforsaken Ben Affleck and completely changed the perception of what the MCU could be, with pop colors, witty jokes and CGI sequences replaced by a dark aesthetic. , adult themes, and an ingrained approach that has felt a world away from Iron Man and Captain America (who has received passing mentions, but of course, will never appear).

Three years later, and after a number of ups and downs, everything could end: Iron Fist and Luke Cage have both been canceled and the future of the series in the long run is quite different. However, it still has some tricks in its bag, as evidenced by the recent arrival of Daredevil season 3, which is a return to form for the show itself and for the entire universe, but how compare to the rest?

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