Separatism in Jammu-Kashmir more for convenience than conviction: Jitendra Singh


Separatism in Jammu and Kashmir is more a matter of comfort than belief, and the children of the separatists benefit while those of ordinary people suffer, said Union Minister Jitendra Singh.

The Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office stated that terrorism in the valley was mercenary in nature and was motivated by no conviction, ideology or motivation.

"This is a paid terrorism perpetrated, financed and sponsored by hostile powers we all know," said Singh, apparently referring to Pakistan.

He stated that Pakistan had never reconciled with the integration of Jammu and Kashmir into India and that he had therefore resorted to all kinds of tactics and strategies. which did not give the expected results.

"The problem of Kashmir does not exist, Jammu and Kashmir is part of the Indian Union, just like the other states of UP, Bihar or Punjab," he said. -he declares.

Singh said that if there was a problem with Jammu and Kashmir, it was to recover Pakistan's occupied Kashmir and restore the culture and demographic character of the state, which would only be possible through return displaced Kashmir. Pandit Community

"Separatists are exposed, separatism in Kashmir is more a matter of convenience than belief, which is hardly acceptable, but it is a fact," said Singh at an event organized by the Times Network last night.

He described the separatists' model of freedom as "false", claiming that he followed neither the Gandhian nor Martin Luther model, nor mirrored Nelson Mandela's model.

"It's a model that follows the pattern of bringing the children of neighbors to become jihadists and to harbor your own children in safe skies," he said at the event. A documentary series entitled "Kashmir: the story" has also been published.

Singh also strongly criticized traditional politicians for practicing what he described as an "opportunist separatism".

"There are so-called politicians and political parties that practice separatism under the mask of the mainstream, it's something we have to protect ourselves against.It's the enemy hidden among us."

"The opportunist separatism practiced by some so-called traditional politicians is even worse than those identified as part of the separatist agenda," he said.

Singh described the score as "the most disastrous blunder" which, he said, was motivated by the personal ambitions of some individuals while the majority of Indians were against it.

"The gaffes of the partition were followed by Nehruvian gaffes," he said, referring to the Prime Minister's declaration of cease-fire and his approach to the UN.

"If only Nehru had allowed his Interior Minister to treat J and K in the same way that Sardar Patel was managing other princely states of India, I am sure that". history of not only Jammu and Kashmir, but also of all the Indian sub-continent today, "he said.

Singh also said that some intellectuals found Kashmir as "a very fertile playground" and called their "intellectual terrorism" a cause of greater damage.

Speaking at the event, Satya Pal Malik, governor of Jammu and Kashmir, said that during the last fifty years, the state's political leaders have not been able to say anything about it. had made only false promises to the people.

"Let it be the promise of freedom, freedom with the help or the autonomy of Pakistan," he said.

The governor said the need of the hour was to tell people that armed struggle was not the solution.

"It is necessary to inform people that we want to kill terrorism, not them … The politics of healing is necessary, but what we need more is the development and the the elimination of corruption and unemployment, "he said.

Malik said his mandate was only to reach people, listen to their problems and create a climate conducive to dialogue.

"I do not have the mandate to dialogue, it is with the Prime Minister, the political parties and other stakeholders," he said.

He criticized the Hurriyat for invoking Pakistan on every occasion.

"The problem with Hurriyat is that they can not even go to the bathroom without Pakistan, they want to include Pakistan in everything they've done." I made it clear that we would have nothing to do with Pakistan in Kashmir, with Pakistan as they do between two countries, but it would be outside of Kashmir and not in the interior, "he said. .

Malik also said that a litany of lies was spread about the situation in Kashmir, which in reality was not so serious.

"More people are dying in Bihar and in the UP than the number of victims in Kashmir," he said.

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