Guess what? Everyone was wrong about Tesla

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The flags fly in front of a Tesla Inc. building in Fremont, California, United States, on Wednesday, June 20, 2018. Elon Musk, President and CEO of Tesla, said the company needed another general assembly line to to achieve its model 3 production targets. "A new building was impossible, so we built a giant tent in two weeks," Musk said on Twitter. Photographer: David Paul Morris / Bloomberg

Just about everything was said about Tesla: she was selling vehicles at a loss and could never manufacture them in good conditions and soon enough her founder was crazy and would lead the company to ruin, while a Veteran of the sector was acclaimed Model S, calling on auto collectors to buy one "before the company goes all the way". But this quarter, Tesla has not only made a lot of money by raising its stock price and offering the NASDAQ its best day in months. has fulfilled its production and distribution objectives, showing all the signs of remaining in the dark, at least until it has to pay interest on borrowings in the first quarter of next year.

For once, this third quarter does not seem to be the exception: everything indicates that the company has found a stable way to generate profits. In addition, Tesla is no longer a coincidence in the industry: many have laughed at its production difficulties, blatantly underestimating the success of the shift from normal production to mass production of 80,000 vehicles per quarter , but the company now surpasses Porsche, Mercedes Benz and BMW, making it the best-selling car in the US domestically, and what's more, with a model that, although expensive, is more advanced on the technology, as well as cheaper and much safer to manage than its competitors powered by internal combustion.

The spectacular results this quarter have clouded analysts' forecasts, proving what some of us have been saying for a while now, namely that few auto industry industries and its so – called experts, few understand the strategic vision of a company willing to take risks to change the world. Virtually everyone was wrong about the finances and the future of Tesla, and many analysts scratch their heads, trying to understand what happened while making recommendations of dubious credibility. First, most analysts simply can not understand the idea that a company's customers would volunteer to help distribute their vehicles, contributing to a project they see themselves as part of. Elon Musk will undoubtedly enjoy the warm light of his triumph of "I told you so" because he understands that people want to be part of a project that is not about selling cars, but to change the world.

Understanding a business model like Tesla means understanding that the biggest challenges are not necessarily the ones you imagine. Tesla has shown that difficult challenges can be overcome, as have already done a lot of other companies. He showed that long-term strategies could be designed and implemented successfully, even if it meant listening to unfounded stupid things from people who do not understand what they are doing. For example, the fact that the company was wrong not to locate in China, that its production costs were unsustainable and would lead to bankruptcy. However, the Tesla assembly line is now achieving progressive savings as production increases, and next year, depending on global demand, it could even consider transferring part of its production to China: now, not before.

Meanwhile, the company's profit margin on each model 3 sold is now around 20%, well above the industry average, and its growth and profitability prospects now seem not only credible, but also likely , regardless of belief in some. quarters that Musk is crazy. The world would be better with a few more crazy people like him in management positions.

The best thing about all this is that we do not even talk about a car company here. Of course, although some still insist that Tesla be considered a car manufacturer and now reluctantly accept that its track record is not doing too badly, it turns out that the price of batteries continues to fall, that the demand for solar energy facilities increases more and more batteries are produced and sold not only for vehicles, but also for homes and storage facilities, which allowed the company to miraculously recover in one of the fastest growing sectors, as evidence shows that long-standing environmental concerns are fully justified. All of a sudden, it turns out that many years of hard work were needed for Tesla's success.

In other words, people who say that this can not be done should stop interrupting those who do it.


The flags fly in front of a Tesla Inc. building in Fremont, California, United States, on Wednesday, June 20, 2018. Elon Musk, President and CEO of Tesla, said the company needed another general assembly line to to achieve its model 3 production targets. "A new building was impossible, so we built a giant tent in two weeks," Musk said on Twitter. Photographer: David Paul Morris / Bloomberg

Just about everything was said about Tesla: she was selling vehicles at a loss and could never manufacture them in good conditions and soon enough her founder was crazy and would lead the company to ruin, while a Veteran of the sector was acclaimed Model S, calling on auto collectors to buy one "before the company goes all the way". But this quarter, Tesla has not only made a lot of money by raising its stock price and offering the NASDAQ its best day in months. has fulfilled its production and distribution objectives, showing all the signs of remaining in the dark, at least until it has to pay interest on borrowings in the first quarter of next year.

For once, this third quarter does not seem to be the exception: everything indicates that the company has found a stable way to generate profits. In addition, Tesla is no longer a coincidence in the industry: many have laughed at its production difficulties, blatantly underestimating the success of the shift from normal production to mass production of 80,000 vehicles per quarter , but the company now surpasses Porsche, Mercedes Benz and BMW, making it the best-selling car in the US domestically, and what's more, with a model that, although expensive, is more advanced on the technology, as well as cheaper and much safer to manage than its competitors powered by internal combustion.

The spectacular results this quarter have clouded analysts' forecasts, proving what some of us have been saying for a while now, namely that few auto industry industries and its so – called experts, few understand the strategic vision of a company willing to take risks to change the world. Virtually everyone was wrong about the finances and the future of Tesla, and many analysts scratch their heads, trying to understand what happened while making recommendations of dubious credibility. First, most analysts simply can not understand the idea that a company's customers would volunteer to help distribute their vehicles, contributing to a project they see themselves as part of. Elon Musk will undoubtedly enjoy the warm light of his triumph of "I told you so" because he understands that people want to be part of a project that is not about selling cars, but to change the world.

Understanding a business model like Tesla means understanding that the biggest challenges are not necessarily the ones you imagine. Tesla has shown that difficult challenges can be overcome, as have already done a lot of other companies. He showed that long-term strategies could be designed and implemented successfully, even if it meant listening to unfounded stupid things from people who do not understand what they are doing. For example, the fact that the company was wrong not to locate in China, that its production costs were unsustainable and would lead to bankruptcy. However, the Tesla assembly line is now achieving progressive savings as production increases, and next year, depending on global demand, it could even consider transferring part of its production to China: now, not before.

Meanwhile, the company's profit margin on each model 3 sold is now around 20%, well above the industry average, and its growth and profitability prospects now seem not only credible, but also likely , regardless of belief in some. quarters that Musk is crazy. The world would be better with a few more crazy people like him in management positions.

The best thing about all this is that we do not even talk about a car company here. Of course, although some still insist that Tesla be considered a car manufacturer and now reluctantly accept that its track record is not doing too badly, it turns out that the price of batteries continues to fall, that the demand for solar energy facilities increases more and more batteries are produced and sold not only for vehicles, but also for homes and storage facilities, which allowed the company to miraculously recover in one of the fastest growing sectors, as evidence shows that long-standing environmental concerns are fully justified. All of a sudden, it turns out that many years of hard work were needed for Tesla's success.

In other words, people who say that this can not be done should stop interrupting those who do it.

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