5 Medicare Changes for 2019 That You Should Know – Motley's Fool


Medicare provides essential benefits to the health of millions of seniors. Whether you are new to the program or already registered, the coming year will be marked by many changes. Here are five things you need to know.

1. Medicare Part B premiums increase

Although Part A of Medicare, which covers hospital visits, is generally free for Medicare registrants, Part B, which covers doctor visits and diagnoses, imposes a premium for coverage . In 2018, the standard monthly premium is $ 134, but this figure increases by $ 1.50 a month next year to a total of $ 135.50. That said, if you have a higher income, you could end up paying a lot more for Medicare Part B.

Smiling senior man sitting on blue bench outdoors.


2. Medicare franchises are also increasing

When you use health care services under Medicare, you are subject to a deductible that must be respected before your coverage takes effect. The annual deductible for Medicare Part B will be $ 185 in 2019, representing an increase of $ 2 over 2018. Meanwhile, the Medicare Part A deductible for hospitalization will be $ 1,364 in 2019. This will represents an increase of $ 24 over the current year.

3. Medicare Advantage gets a new open registration period

Seniors wishing to be covered by Medicare can choose between the initial program (which includes Part A, Part B and a Part D drug plan) and the Medicare Advantage program. Advantage is an alternative to the traditional health insurance system that allows registrants to consolidate their health care needs (including prescriptions) into one plan. And as most Advantage plans offer coverage for services such as dental care, hearing and vision – items not covered by regular health insurance – many seniors eventually find it a lot more profitable.

Now, if you have already subscribed to Medicare Advantage, you may be familiar with its opt-out period, which traditionally lasts from January 1 to February 14 of each year. But starting next year, Medicare Advantage will have its own open registration period starting January 1st and continuing until March 31st. If you are enrolled in an Advantage plan, you will have the opportunity to switch to another, or abandon your Advantage plan and sign up for the original Medicare. Keep in mind that this open enrollment period at Avantage differs from the regular open enrollment at Medicare, which extends from December 15 to 7 each year.

4. Medicare Advantage expands its coverage

If you have discussed Medicare Advantage, here are some news that might convince you to try. Beginning next year, the Avantage plans will have the option of providing lifestyle-related support services, including home-based meal delivery, round-trip transportation for medical appointments and home security devices (such as handrails and ramps). Seniors who subscribe to an Advantage plan and need help with their daily activities may also realize that the cost of home help is covered.

Finally, there is less pressure to join an Advantage plan. Starting next year, you will have the opportunity to test an Advantage plan for up to three months and switch to another system, or the original Medicare system, if you are not satisfied with your cover.

5. Medicare's telemedicine program is growing

Many seniors neglect or delay medical care due to mobility issues. To address this, Medicare is offering a telehealth program that allows patients and physicians to connect via videoconference. Beginning in 2019, telehealth services will be offered to patients with end-stage renal disease or those undergoing treatment.

The more you know about Medicare, the better it will meet your needs. Make sure to familiarize yourself with these changes and other changes that will occur at Medicare next year so that you are ready for what lies ahead.

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