Is Michael Avenatti sinking after the comments of the "white male"?


ALawyer Michael Avenatti is a candidate in the 2020 Democratic presidential election, but his claim that the next presidential candidate for the party should be a white man has Democratic comrades turning to him.

"To say something like this is the fastest way to not get the Democratic candidacy for the presidency," said Brad Bannon, a Democratic strategist.

Avenatti commented on the Democratic presidential candidate 2020 in an interview with Time magazine published Thursday.

"I think it's better to be a white man," said Avenatti at Time.

"One of the reasons I've been effective with women – and others, but especially with women – is because I think it's different when you have a white man who argues the arguments, "he continued. "I think that they have more weight. Should they have more weight? Absolutely not. But do they do it? Yes."

Avenatti was quickly criticized for his comments by Democratic activists, putting the advocate of celebrity on the defensive.

He asked Time's reporter Molly Ball to publish the full transcript of their interview and consulted Twitter to clarify his comments.

"Let's be clear: I have consistently called on white men like me to take a step forward, take responsibility and participate [sic] the sexism and bigotry that other white men indulge. It is especially important for them to call other white men. I make this point in my speeches, "he tweeted.

But Bannon said Democratic activists or party leaders would not tolerate Avenatti's remarks.

"It will not win him any friend if he is really serious about winning the Democratic nomination," he said.

Bannon said that Avenatti was likely going to "upset" most of the Democratic primary voters with his comments, which he described as being "completely disconnected" and "totally wrong", especially women having been galvanized by events such as the # MeToo movement and the fight for the appointment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

"Look at how far the Democratic Party is run by women, blacks or Latinos, and I think that's where the party energy lies," Bannon said. "And I think it would be a major asset for a Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, not a disability as Avenatti says."

Avenatti fueled speculation about his political future, telling Variety in August that he was "serious" about challenging President Trump in 2020.

He has also attended the Iowa State Fair and has visited New Hampshire several times over the last few weeks. His portrayal of Stormy Daniels and his penchant for public fighting with Trump fueled interest in his potential bid.

While Avenatti thinks that he would be a worthy challenger of Trump, others do not agree with that.

"I think the mere fact of being a Democrat and declaring that you are going to run for the highest office in the country should not automatically qualify you for 2020," said Rodell Mollineau, Democratic strategist and partner at Rokk Solutions.

"At first I saw his career on a million, and I do not think anything he says can change that," he said.

In addition to getting hot for his comments in Time, Avenatti was found in warmer water when Senator Chuck Grassley, of R-Iowa, revealed that he had been referring to Avenatti and his client, Julie Swetnick, one of the women who had accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh misconduct, to the Department of Justice for criminal investigation.

In a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and FBI Director Christopher Wray, Grassley said the two men should be the subject of an investigation for "possible conspiracy to provide false statements to Congress and to obstruct an investigation of the Congress Committee ".

Avenatti submitted to the Judiciary Committee of the Senate last month Swetnick's sworn affidavit claiming that Kavanaugh and a classmate had facilitated mass rapes of women at home parties in Washington in the early 1980s. also criticized the involvement of Avenatti in the Kavanaugh's fight.

But in an interview with NBC News, Swetnick contradicted some of the statements made to the committee, Grassley wrote.

Avenatti said that he had welcomed the investigation, but had then belittled Grassley.

"Maybe if Grassley were a lawyer who knew the law, he would realize what he did. He has just opened the Pandora's box regarding the conduct of Judge Kavanaugh. It's Christmas in October! "Avenatti tweeted.

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