Here is the Halloween 2018 weather forecast for Greater Boston


Halloween weather in New England is always about variety—from balmy 80s in 1946 to below freezing temps in 1904. In 1939, the year “The Wizard of Oz” premiered, the weather was pretty spooky with two and a half inches of rain. We even had a bit of snow back in 1913. What horror. 

So what about 2018? This year, you’ll be able to have the kids’ costumes on full display (and your own) without any heavy overcoats or worrying about having to carry an umbrella.

Although Saturday’s nor’easter left us with some remaining drizzle early on Sunday, and there will be some showers in the forecast to start the work week, the weather should stay dry for Halloween on Wednesday. Here’s an extended forecast to get you through the week.

There will be some clouds on Halloween evening. —(Tropical Tidbits)

High pressure will build from the West on Tuesday and protect us from any storms for a few days. Not only will the weather be dry during this period, but it’s going to be quite mild, as well. The average temperature for this time of year is mid-to-upper 50s, but I forecast we’re going to be warmer than that with highs 5 to 8 degrees above average.

There will be some clouds, but just a very small chance of a sprinkle or light shower; nothing significant as of right now. The showers over New York would have to move faster and stay together in order for there to be a change to the forecast.

It will be mild for Halloween. —(Dave Epstein)

High temperatures during the day on Wednesday will creep into the 60s, but when the kids are heading out for trick-or-treating in the late afternoon and early evening, look for temperatures to be falling into the 50s—though that’s still quite mild for this time of year. It will start getting dark around 5:40 p.m. now that we are in the final days of Daylight Saving Time (DST). In fact, one of the reasons why DST was extended in 2007 was so that we could enjoy a little more light for trick-or-treating.

By Thursday morning, temps will still remain well above 50 degrees, and that will set us up for one more mild day for All Saints’ Day on November 1. Highs on Thursday will reach the mid-60s, and if we get enough sunshine, we could even touch 70 or higher.

This year, the weather is certainly providing more treats than tricks. Have a safe and happy Halloween!


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