Air pollution makes people vulnerable to stroke: the experts


do not in high-risk patients, tiny particles of air pollution can also increase the risk of stroke in young and healthy populations by damaging the lining of their veins and arteries.

About 15 million people a year suffer from a stroke in the world. Nearly six million people die and five million have permanent disabilities, such as loss of sight and speech, paralysis and confusion.

Earlier, it was thought that air pollution increased the risk of stroke in the elderly and people with certain diseases, but studies have shown that even apparently healthy young adults are also at risk and generally have a lower prevalence of these neurological problems.

The number of dead cell fragments in the blood was estimated to increase with increasing levels of pollution. The result suggested that the polluted environment favors the incidence of stroke more widely and at an earlier stage than expected.

According to the WHO report, about 34% of deaths from a stroke are due to pollution.

Praveen Gupta, director of neurology at the Fortis Memorial Research Institute, said: "In the current scenario, the situation is worsening. Many patients of the young age group arrive who are suffering from a stroke. We have about two to three new young patients almost every month. The number of young patients with stroke has almost doubled compared to recent years. Studies suggest that major risk factors, such as air pollution and smoking, increase the incidence of stroke in the short and long term.

Vinay Goyal, Professor in the Department of Neurology at AIIMS, said, "Pollution is one of the most explosive factors to increase the risk of stroke in people living in polluted areas. like Delhi / NCR. A high level of PM 2.5 in the air increases the risk of cardiovascular mortality. International studies have linked pollution to the risk of stroke. In India, the situation may be more dangerous. The side effects of pollution are like a volcano waiting for explosion. If we do not take care now. It will be impossible to cope with later.

Experts are concerned that the air quality in Delhi / NCR is already very toxic in case of changing weather conditions. With such high pollution rates, stroke rates will only increase unless strict measures are taken.

Highlighting the importance of raising awareness of the major risk factors associated with stroke, many experts have advocated population-based approaches to prevention. Every year, Oct. 29, World Stroke Day highlights the serious nature of stroke cases and raises public awareness of the condition and the associated risk factor for controlling the burden of stroke. ; stroke.

Government, health circles and NGOs need concerted action to come together on a common platform and devise strategies to reduce risk factors and control the rate of accidents cerebrovascular diseases.

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