The Halloween holidays of Trump and Obama at the White House show that they have their own ways of celebrating


On Sunday, partygoers gathered at the White House for its annual Halloween party. Celebrating Halloween has been part of the presidential tradition for about 60 years, although each administration gives its own turn to the festivities. Indeed, by comparing the Halloween holidays of Trump and Obama in the White House, you will notice many similarities, but also some essential differences.

As the Washington Post As described, Sunday marked the second Halloween party of the White House organized by Trump and Melania. At the ceremony, the first couple welcomed children from military families into the presidential home, where they warmed up. They stood in front of the southern portico of the White House to distribute themselves sweets. For the festivities this year and last year, Trump and Melania were not wearing costumes, although they enthusiastically greeted a crowd of costumed children. The White House itself wore its own "costume" because it was decorated with an orange rug, a squared pumpkin, corn stalks and so much more. United States today it's noted.

The two Halloween parties the Trumps have held since the president took office have had similar elements to Halloween parties under the Obama administration. During the eight years of his tenure, the 44th President and Michelle decorated the White House in a Halloween-themed decor, distributed candies to evildoers, and also (generally) chose to not wear costumes.

However, there are also major differences in how both jurisdictions approached Halloween activities. For their two Halloween parties, the Trumps wore a rather formal outfit, with the president in a suit and the first lady in a long coat. For their part, the Obama's have generally been called more relaxed.

For example, for their last Halloween party in 2016, the 44th President wore jeans and a sweater while the first lady wore an autumn theme top. At the 2009 Halloween party, Michelle wore cat ears and a leopard print shirt, creating her own casual "Catwoman" outfit.

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The more casual approach of the Obamas with regards to holidays is also reflected in their dance demonstration during their last Halloween party. After brief remarks encouraging the models to treat treats to eat as much candy as they wanted, Obama and Michelle danced together in front of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" as the kids watched them show their movements, as the Noted NPR. Trump did not comment at this year's Halloween rally and a dance demonstration was not part of his itinerary.

Beyond the way the first couple engages with slackers, there are also differences in Halloween decor and treats. Each administration brings a personal touch to the holidays, and themes often differ from year to year. For example, in 2016, Obama chose to host a Alice in WonderlandHalloween themed, decorating the outside of the White House with gigantic bunnies and tea cups, among others. according to United States todaythe first couple distributed kettle corn, Hershey kisses, fruit bars and cookies to the children present. On the other hand, this year, the Trumps opted for a more traditional goose-bumps Halloween decor and handed out chocolate bars and Hershey's Twizzlers to United States today also described.

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Overall, while the Halloween party is a long-time White House tradition, Obama and Trump approached the holidays a little differently. Their different approaches to confrontation-by turns-only give a glimpse of some of the non-political ways that the White House changes under each administration.

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