Kentucky Dad Apologizes For Father-Son Nazi Halloween Costumes


A Kentucky father who donned a Nazi uniform and dressed his son as Adolf Hitler for a Halloween event has apologized. 

Bryant Goldbach wore the costumes to Owensboro’s Trail of Treats event last Thursday, local ABC-affiliate WEHT Eyewitness News reported. When photos of the father and 5-year-old were uploaded to Facebook, they sparked an immediate backlash.

Bryant Goldbach posted this image to Facebook last week. 


Bryant Goldbach posted this image to Facebook last week. 

Goldbach initially tried to defend his choice, writing that “anyone who knows us knows that we love our history, and often dress the part of historical figures.

Goldbach said that his son was threatened by people at Owensboro's Trail of Treats event. 


Goldbach said that his son was threatened by people at Owensboro’s Trail of Treats event. 

While Goldbach dressed as a Confederate soldier for Halloween last year, he denied being a racist, referring to white supremacy as “disgusting.”

“I wasn’t trying to make a statement or put my son in any position,” he told The Owensboro Times. “It was bad judgment. I want people to know I am sorry.”

Prior to its closure, Goldbach’s Facebook page was riddled with slogans such as “White pride doesn’t mean hate” and “Being liberal means being a hypocrite,” per the Evansville Courier & Press. Although Goldbach did not respond to a request for comment, a series of screenshots were provided to HuffPost of various anti-semitic comments made by his wife, MaryAnne, following the incident:

MaryAnne Goldbach made a series of anti-semitic comments on Facebook posts relating to the incident. 


MaryAnne Goldbach made a series of anti-semitic comments on Facebook posts relating to the incident. 




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