Allergy caused by Peanuts are increasing


Allergies are always there and are more prone to allergies. Peanuts and other food items are allergy symptoms and some experts are saying that there is some progress in controlling or preventing life-threatening reactions.

What is Food Allergy?

A food is allergy caused by the food. The immune system responds to foreign antigens in different ways and when the immune system responds abnormally to food then it is food allergy.

Symptoms may include diarrhea, vomiting, breathing problems, low blood pressure, swelling of the particular area. It can take some minutes and also show symptoms. Several food items like cow pudding, peanuts, fish, tree allergic reactions in the body of many people. But risk of allergies can depend on the person and family history. Allergies which occur in the body. When immunoglobulin binds to the food particle. Then the inflammatory chemicals are released mainly histamine.


  1. rashes
  2. swelling
  3. Fainting
  4. Runny nose
  5. Fainting
  6. vomiting
  7. nausea
  8. diarrhea

Various drugmakers are working for the development of medicine to treat the disease. There is one method of treatment which will involve the process of introducing some small amount of peanut to the one which will increase the tolerance level. A study from Jaffe Food Allergy Institute at New York 's Mount Sinai Hospital reported that the number of people suffering from peanut allergy was tripled from the year 1997 to 2008.

"It really is almost an epidemic," Dr. Scott Sicherer, the institute's director, told CNBC's "On the Money." "It's impossible to deny an increase, even with anecdotal reports from school nurses," he said, adding that "about two (children) per classroom have food allergies. It's not just our imagination. "

National Institutes of Health said it would be helpful to have peanut-containing foods as early as 4 to 6 months. "Sicherer said that it would affect the food allergy sufferers." you can increase the threshold let's say from 1 / 100th of a peanut to two peanuts, that's an amazing safety. "

It's not just peanuts, though, with Sicherer's citing milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish and other nuts being among the most common allergies. "They account for most of the food allergies, but you can be allergic to any food," he said.

Many people suffer from allergies from milk and egg with the time of the day.

Sicherer, who is author of "Food Allergies: A Complete Guide to Eating When Your Life Depends on It," said that one possible cause is "the cleanliness theory," which suggests you are not being exposed to the germs that help build up immunity.

"The thought is we have such clean living now" that he said.

As a result, "our immune system may be getting misdirected and attacking things that it does not need to, because it's part of the body that's supposed to protect us from germs," ​​he added. "But for allergies, it attacks the foods and makes us sick."

Sicherer said treatments are "very promising, not just for peanuts but for other foods as well. The other amazing thing is that we have more therapies that are in the pipeline, that are actually being tested at more foods. "

The ultimate goal is a full-fledged cure, the doctor said. "But in the meantime, safety is really a big part of it. When you're living with a food allergy, it's like living in a landmine situation, "he added. "Every meal, every snack, every party, every social activity – is that food that can hurt me going to be there?"

When the symptoms become crucial it leads to a condition called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a situation in which the person becomes unable to breathe and can also take the life of an individual. The most widely used is EpiPens, used to control the general allergies but till now no specific treatment has come up to cure peanut allergies. New therapies are discovered to cure peanut allergies.

AR101 from Aimmune Therapeutics, Viaskin Peanut from DBV Technologies, and ANB020 from AnaptysBio.

AR101 is one such pill which is having peanut flour. It is mixed in the food of the allergic person, then it is mixed in large quantity that the allergic person will become more tolerant toward the peanut. Viaskin Peanut is another therapy which is used to treat peanut allergy. Basically Viaskin is a vaccination which is having skin patch of peanut which increases the tolerance of allergic patient towards peanut proteins. This therapy was a successful program. Children who were treated with the pills eventually have higher tolerance towards peanut allergy.

"These exciting advances, which should be understood that these therapies are not necessarily a 'cure' – patients will not be able to trash their EpiPens or stop avoiding peanut products. To maintain the protection, the patient has indefinitely, "comments Rose Joachim, Immunology Analyst at GlobalData.

ANB020 is other therapy and it is not specific to the peanut only. This drug works in the different manner by inhibiting the immune system to start any further immune response.

Jenna Collier, an Immunology Ph.D. student at Harvard University, added that "these clinical trials are just the beginning – in the near future, we will be able to see more about the complex mechanisms of peanut allergy and tolerance. "

"These exciting advances, which should be understood that these therapies are not necessarily a 'cure' – patients will not be able to trash their EpiPens or stop avoiding peanut products. To maintain the protection, the patient has indefinitely, "comments Rose Joachim, Immunology Analyst at GlobalData.

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