Todd Gurley reacts after causing the collapse of fantasy and the loss of a million dollars in the Rams' victory


It's not easy to confuse the NFL fans in the United States, but that's essentially what Rams' running back Todd Gurley did on Sunday with his last carryover in Los's thrilling win. Angeles 29-27 against Green Bay.

While it was 1:05 left to play and the Rams had a two-point lead, L.A. decided to give the ball to Gurley on a whopping third and ten. If he converted, the game would be over. However, if he failed to get the first try, the Rams should try to score and then return the ball to Aaron Rodgers.

The good news for the Rams? Gurley converted.

Bad news for fantastic players and players around the world? Gurley deliberately decided not to score a touchdown.

Let's look at the room.

Ouch. This game was a dagger in the hearts of millions of fantastic players who hoped that the Rams star would end up in the end zone. This also led to an estimated $ 1 million swing at sports betting in Las Vegas.

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Let's start with the players. The Rams were ranked among the favorites of 7.5 points in most sports betting, and most of that money was on the Packers, so the bettors did not want Gurley to score. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Gurley's decision not to score has spurred a boost of about a million dollars at Sportsbooks in Sin City. Of course, the problem is that the house was lost as the swing played in favor of the thousands of bettors who took the Packers to cover the gap.

Although Gurley's decision helped punters, it did not work well for the fantastic players. Gurley's decision to stop in the end zone cost the fantasy players about six points and left many of them sad.

So what was Gurley's reaction to all this? He does not care about Vegas or fantasy owners.

"Dude, forget fantasy and forget about Vegas today, we have victory, so that's all that matters", Gurley said after the match, via the official Twitter account of the team.

If anything, everyone should thank Gurley. For punters, he won most of the money. On the fantastic side, he's got about 25.5 points in standard score leagues and if you can not win with that kind of production with your half-defenseman, then maybe you do not deserve to win.

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