Good Tesla News wins again, but sneaky titles increase – #Pravduh Report 8



Published on October 29, 2018 |
by Chanan Bos

October 29, 2018 by Chanan Bos


Last week, we received a Tesla shareholder letter and a call for results indicating that Tesla had made a profit of $ 312 million. Clearly, this has significantly influenced the results this week, right?

I would like the results to be as easy to interpret. The majority of titles were positive. In fact, there are nearly 50% more positive titles than negative ones. Nevertheless, we had to struggle a bit with titles that we were forced to qualify as neutral.

Here is an example of normal titles that are obviously neutral:

  • Actions to Watch: Tesla, Microsoft, Ford, Advanced Micro Devices, Whirlpool
  • How Tesla Elon Musk gets its name
  • Tesla result: 3 things to watch out for

Now, here are some examples of what I just called sneaky headlines:

  • The short seller Andrew Left is now a long Tesla – but he is making a potentially disastrous mistake.
  • A bright future for Tesla if Musk does not interfere
  • Tesla's Record Profit Week Ends on a Bitter Note When the FBI Examines Model 3 in Production
  • Tesla announces high profits in the quarter when Musk was involved in scandals
  • Tesla's Model 3 Performance is an incredible car, but it has some problems.

These titles contain both positive and negative messages. When we meet these titles, we can not easily evaluate them in a positive way, we can not easily assign them in a negative way, but we also have a hard time positioning ourselves at the center. These titles are both ends of the spectrum at the same time.

We think that there is an essential reason to write a title like this: give Tesla a worse look. If you can not find something negative, you add something to make it negative. The reason we have a presentiment about the negative goal is that hard news is basically always positive. What is negative is speculation or rumors from anonymous sources.

Even when Tesla publishes an outstanding financial report, it far exceeds Wall Street's expectations – and even CleanTechnica the expected negativity is introduced. Even when a bear and a Tesla short (several years old) seller suddenly turns into a Tesla bull and that long, negativity is introduced.

What I want to ask the editors and editors is, "Why do you have to write everything down so bad?" To solve this problem, we are considering changing our system to handle sneaky headlines in distinguishing the truly neutral number and the number of titles. are on both sides of the spectrum rather than in the middle (aka "Sneaky" or "Deceptive", or both).

In addition to this global report, keep your eyes peeled as we will soon be publishing a call analysis before and after the #Pravduh benefit.

In addition, remember that each week we share the raw data (titles and scores). You can analyze yourself if you want to recheck our findings or just look at the titles. And you can view our own stories on Tesla for more context and comparison.

Finally, before moving on to the report, we wanted to inform you that the Pravduh team made a small mistake in the headlines – we missed a number of CNBC articles. This should not have had a significant impact on the results and this tracking error has now been corrected.

#Pravduh About #Tesla
Report No. 8 (October 20-26)

For the second time in a row, the number of negative articles is less than the number of neutral articles.

The 4 sites that published the most information about Tesla last week were: Bloomberg, Fox News, CNBC and The street.

In addition to the websites listed above, "Other" this week includes: BGR (0-1-5), TechCrunch (0-0-4), Gizmodo (1-1-0)wired (0-0-1), Guardian (1-0-0), NYT (0-0-1), and BBC (0-0-1). Since there are very few, we decided not to create an "other" chart this week.

The next topic of our itinerary is the follow-up of the authors who published this short story. Although the complete list is too long to put here, as many authors have written a single article on Tesla, here are the 21 who have published more than 9 articles on Tesla. since we started following September 1st, classified at least neutral at most:

There was some confusion about the fact that this list is made up of articles published last week, but it is the total since the beginning of September.

The neutrality index ranges from -100% to 100% positive. In this system, 0% is neutral. The number of negative / positive items and percentages are also displayed. This system provides a good breakdown of the authors' positioning.

We would like to note that in recent weeks, our system has made a small mistake because of which Tim Higgins was not listed as WSJ. This error has now been corrected.

(Note: In the mainstream media, there are often lead authors who control this part of the articles, but we find that tracking authors is also interesting and potentially useful in determining the type of story that authors tend to write..)

Again, here is the data from the past week in case you want to take a closer look at the raw data.

What has changed with Tesla last week?

In addition to the summary presented in the intro, you will find below a summary of Tesla news and potential news classified by day. You can consider for yourself what were objectively the important updates of "The Tesla Story" last week.

Our methodology

As you have seen, we follow Tesla's titles and evaluate them according to their implications for Tesla. We cover 22 major media sites. We evaluate all Tesla titles as positive, negative or neutral. Unlike a more nuanced scale, this system is based on objective evaluation and contains minimal bias. A few of us have checked the headlines and we do not find much variation in the way a title is rated because it is a simple and clear system. If the way a title is scored varies, we discuss it and come to a concerted conclusion.

We define journalism as: the pursuit of the facts and the reports on them. When you systematically report with a bias that does not correspond to reality, or omit facts that disturb your point of view, it distorts the general truth. In order to be as transparent as possible, all the data on which our analysis is based are published at the end of each report. We report the facts and allow you to draw your own conclusions about the story behind these stories.

We encourage you to look at our data and have fun experimenting with the role of evaluator – it may be even more enlightening than just looking at the results. We also encourage you to inform us if you notice something that has not been evaluated correctly or if you have any suggestions for further improving our system.

#Pravduh History & Background Extra

the CleanTechnica The team began creating weekly and monthly reports on #Pravduh About #Tesla in September 2018, after being tired of the strangely negative coverage of Tesla in the mainstream media and after a slight stimulation of the from Elon Musk.

About 5 months ago, Elon Musk was fed up with the media that published FUD articles (fear, uncertainty and doubts) about Tesla and, in some cases, misinformation, that he had an idea.

Most people who follow Tesla agree that this movie has been the target of overly misleading, unfair and negative media coverage. We here at CleanTechnica define journalism as: the search for facts and their communication in a useful and appropriate context. When you systematically report with an inclination that does not correspond to reality, or omit facts that disturb your point of view, it distorts the general truth of the story.

We at CleanTechnica felt that something had to be done. Like the stories – whether in the New York Times, New York Post, Forbes, Internal business, CNBC, or Bloomberg – Worsened, we were finally pushed to a more systematic and regular action. The editors of our site have long been informing readers of Tesla FUD and misinformation, and readers informed the editors. We wrote articles on facts and finances. But occasional attempts to correct the disc did not seem to be enough. We decided to create the name of "Pravda" Elon mentioned on Twitter. #Pravduh About #Tesla.

Of all the elements of a story, the titles have the greatest influence – by far – so we decided to concentrate our efforts on the analysis of the titles. We have found the results very interesting so far and we are very curious to see how they evolve over time. Apparently, Elon is also interested in this.

We would also like to thank Maye Musk for his support of this project and for using the data to try to improve Tesla's coverage.

More these #Pravda About #Tesla the reports are shared online via social media, the more people will see them. If there is still a strong negative trend about Tesla in some outlets – even if Tesla has so much positive news to share – people should be aware of it and tackle each new story keeping this in mind. 39; mind.

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Keywords: Pravduh, Pravduh About Tesla, Tesla, Tesla Financial Data, Tesla Shares

About the author

Chanan Bos Chanan grew up in a multicultural and multilingual environment that often gives him a unique perspective on a variety of topics. He is still thinking about general topics such as artificial intelligence, quantum physics, philosophy, universal basic income, climate change, science fiction concepts like singularity, misinformation, etc. He is currently studying creative media and technology, but already has degrees in environmental sciences, as well as in business and management. Its purpose is to discourage linear thinking, prejudices and prejudices of confirmation, while encouraging original thinking and helping people to understand exponential progress. Chanan is very worried about his future and the future of humanity. That is why he has immense admiration for Elon Musk and his companies, mainly for their missions, their philosophy and their intention to help humanity and its future. He sees Tesla as one of the few companies that can help protect us from climate change.

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