WWE Survivor Series 2018: Matches & Predictions


WWE Survivor Series 2018


Brand warfare within WWE rears its head during some key moments throughout the year.

For 2018, we got to see a sample of it during an inter-promotional battle royal at Evolution. But the stakes are always raised a bit higher during one particular event. And that event happens to be the legendary November wrestling spectacular, Survivor Series. Fans should expect to see some epic clashes erupt between the finest members of the Raw and SD Live roster. And the current title holders will most certainly find themselves pitted against each other. Survivor Series 2018 is all about answering one important question – which WWE brand is more superior?

Here’s a preview of the 2018 installment of WWE’s Survivor Series.

Ronda Rousey (Raw Women’s Champion) vs. Becky Lynch (SmackDown Women’s Champion) (Champion vs. Champion Match)

WWE Survivor Series 2018


Predictions & Winner: At Evolution, Becky Lynch retained her SmackDown Women’s Championship after enduring a punishing war against Charlotte Flair. And at the end of the evening, Ronda Rousey fended off Nikki Bella and maintained her grasp over the Raw Women’s Championship. We all soon discovered that both champions crossed paths and engaged in a tense war of words. That epic moment ended up creating the first major Raw vs. SD Live matchup for this event that will pit Champion vs. Champion. Ronda, the unstoppable MMA Machine, will contend with Becky, the newly turned heel champion who the crowd unabashedly adores.

This matchup has some incredibly high stakes attached to it. Ronda’s just too damn hot to take a pinfall during her current title run, right? Becky is smack dab in the middle of her best title reign to date, so she can’t possibly take a loss now either…right? Predicting the winner of this one is super difficult, so I can imagine how hard of a job it is for the bookers behind this one.

Even though Becky Lynch as a heel is a hot commodity for WWE right now, Ronda is just a tad bit more valuable to the sport entertainment giant. Now I know for sure that this will be one of Ronda’s toughest matches to date. Becky’s not a pushover whatsoever, but Ronda will find a way to defeat her and maintain her dominance. And since I’m picturing this match to be a great one, Becky will look great in defeat and still keep her hot fanbase intact.

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