Trump adheres to the & # 39; playbook & # 39; dictators


ANamed by an organization run by billionaire Tom Steyer, President Trump is compared to some of the world's most evil dictators.

The two-minute political advertisement, recently published on Facebook by the group "Need to Impeach", describes various abuses of power and other misdeeds by world leaders such as Russian Vladimir Putin, Iraq Saddam Hussein, North Korea Kim Jong Un and Venezuelan Hugo Chavez.

It describes how men have shown narcissism, promoted nationalism hidden in patriotism, decried or closed the media and created scapegoats for the problems facing the countries they lead.

"Donald Trump follows their game book to a T-shirt," the ad says. "The media can hardly follow and avoid labeling it for what it's really … a narcissistic malignant."

[Trump: Tom Steyer comes off as a ‘crazed and stumbling lunatic’]

The video shows Trump clips calling some media "fake news," accusing the "two sides" of violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, and chanting "building that wall" at a rally for the campaign.

The video encourages US citizens to participate and vote in a message that "will reject anything Trump represents."

The Republican National Committee suggested removing the video from Facebook. "This disgusting announcement has no place on Facebook and this absurd comparison should be condemned by all Americans," said RNC spokesman Steve Guest.

Steyer is a frequent critic of Trump and was one of twelve high-ranking Liberals who received a homemade bomb by mail. The suspect is a Florida man who supports Trump and who has become disillusioned with Democrats.

The California magnate, who is one of the Democratic Party's main donors, did not rule out a presidential race in 2020.

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