Special advocate returns Mueller program to FBI


The woman explained that she had been contacted by a "British accent" man who wanted to ask him "some questions about Robert Mueller, with whom I had worked as a paralegal for Pillsbury, Madison and Sutro in 1974." who he worked, and he told me that his boss was a kind of Washington politician called Jack Burkman. I said reluctantly [him] that I had worked with Mr. Mueller only for a short time, before leaving the company to have my first son. "

She continued, "In a more intense effort to get him away, I asked him what he wanted me to do. He said we could not talk on the phone and he asked me to download an application on my phone called Signal, which he said was more secure. Reluctantly, I downloaded the application and he called me a few minutes later. He said (and I will never forget exactly what it was). "I want you to bring charges of sexual misconduct and harassment at work against Robert Mueller, and I would like you to sign a sworn statement to that effect." pay off all of my credit card debt and bring me a check for $ 20,000 if I did it, "she writes. "He knew exactly how much I had from credit card debt, up to the dollar, which made me panic."

The woman was not willing to talk to reporters over the phone, according to Scott Stedman, one of the reporters who received the letter. So parts of his story have remained unsubstantiated. Around the time journalists started receiving this email, Burkman posted a video on his Facebook page stating that Mueller "has spent all his life harassing women." On Tuesday, the day the special advocate revealed that he had been mentioned Burkman tweeted a similar allegation in the woman's claims to the FBI.

In an e-mail statement, Burkman denied knowing the woman who had initially alerted reporters about the so-called ploy. He called the FBI's dismissal "joke, Mueller wants to deflect attention from his sexual assault problems by attacking me". Thursday, 12:00 noon ROSSYLN HOLIDAY INN, we will present a very credible witness who will say that Mr. Mueller has committed a sexual assault against her. Mueller's spokesman repeated that the claims were false.

Burkman, a conservative radio host, is known to have propagated conspiracy theories. He launched his own private investigation into the murder of Seth Rich, a DNC staff member.

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Natasha Bertrand is a writer at L & # 39; Atlantic where it covers national security and the intelligence community.
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