WWE SmackDown results, recap, grades: Surprise WWE title match leads to new Crown Jewel plans


With the heavily-criticized Crown Jewel event set to take place in Saudi Arabia in Tuesday night's SmackDown Live in Atlanta served as the main roster go-home show. Scheduled to take place in Saudi Arabia was a WWE championship match featuring AJ Styles defending against Daniel Bryan. Recent reports, however, of Bryan's refusal to make the trip to Saudi Arabia had a lot to do with the WWE title, and we would have been able to make it happen. We did not have to wait long to receive the answers we were searching for.

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Crown Jewel WWE title rearranged plans

The WWE Champion Styles made his way down to the ring to the Crown Jewel go-home edition of SmackDown to a rousing ovation in his home state of Georgia. The field said it was something he was going to get off his chest, but he wants to say it to his opponent's face. He then called Bryan out to the ring. Bryan said there was no need. However, while he respects Styles both in the out of the ring, all Bryan sees when he looks at Styles right now is the WWE championship. Bryan said it's nothing personal, but this Friday at Crown Jewel, he's taking the title. Styles then made a revelation – that the Pele Kick last week to Bryan was by no means an accident, and he looks forward to doing it again. Bryan – looking for a surprise – countered that by saying hey feel like punching him in the face right then and there, and the field said that he has no issue with defending against Bryan right here tonight.

Shane McMahon made his way out, and the SmackDown commissioner said that oftentimes when he wants to go to the heat of the moment, nothing ever really comes out of it. Well, that's changing. McMahon announced that the WWE Crown Jewel WWE championship match would be taking place at SmackDown this week.

WWE Championship – AJ Styles (c) def. Daniel Bryan via submission: In the same way, you might expect anything from these two, Styles made Bryan tap to the Calf Crusher after working on a broken knee all match, this following a reversal of a triangle choke into a Clash Styles. Afterwards, the two longtime friends and rivals hugged each other in the middle of the ring, but the drama did not end there.

Out of nowhere, Samoa Joe – who has been absent with an undisclosed injury – blindsided in the Coquina Clutch. Bryan attempted to save Styles, but Joe locked him in the Coquina Clutch as well. Joe stood tall with the WWE championship as Bryan and Styles were laid out on the mat thanks to him. Later in the night, Styles approached general manager Paige backstage and demanded Joe at Crown Jewel, and while he was met with slight hesitation, Paige eventually obliged.

This article was published in the English version of the French text of Bryan et al. Tuesday night, we got the incredible Styles-Bryan match we were promised and had been waiting for Bryan returned from this year, and with the surprise return of Joe know will deliver. It was an easy fix in the end, but looking back to the match we were treated to on Tuesday night, hopefully vs. Styles vs. Bryan for the WWE is a program that can be revisited sooner rather than later. Grade: A-

Becky Lynch fires the first shot

The SmackDown Women's Champion made her way down to the ring and opened by simply stating, "I won," referring to her victory over Charlotte Flair at Evolution in the classic Last Woman Standing match. Beating Flair proved that she is the man, and that feels a message to both the SmackDown locker room and the Raw locker room. Lynch told Survivor Series opponent Ronda Rousey that everyone's woman stepped into the ring, but that's not how she's built. Lynch says that she has traveled to Rousey; she's going to be a reality star, and come Survivor Series, she's going to take Rousey's Arm.

This is a perfect promo from the hottest performer in the company right now to kickstart her brief feud with arguably the biggest mainstream star WWE has to offer. You could tell everyone's excitement about this Survivor Series showdown from the moment the match was announced Monday night on Raw, and Lynch's shorts yet striking promo on Tuesday was a tremendous start to this program. Grade: A

What else happened on SmackDown?

  • Paige makes Charlotte Flair an offer: In a backstage segment, Flair puts with the SmackDown general manager. Paige praised Flair 's Last Woman Standing match with Lynch at Evolution, and then offered the opportunity to be the captain of the SmackDown Women' s Team at Survivor Series. Flair would decline, however, still looking at Lynch on Sunday. Paige asked her to reconsider, reminding Charlotte that she once said, "Do not let your success get your head, and do not let your heart ache."
  • Big E def. Cesaro via pinfall (Trick or Street Fight): Big E got the pinfall amid a ring full of pumpkins after the big ending. In a hilarious twist, New Day's entrance to the emerging trio The Brood, an amazing theme music and all. And because we're keeping tabs – still no explanation from Big Show as it's aligned with The Bar; check back next week.
  • World Cup twist: McMahon puts backstage with the SmackDown World Cup contestants, and it's revealed the twist to the tournament for the blue brand this Friday. After Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, The Miz and Randy Orton have been jawed with each other, McMahon revealed that they should end up in the final World Cup bout on Friday, then that they will lose their job on SmackDown.
  • United States Championship – Shinsuke Nakamura (c) def. R-Truth via pinfall: This tip was scheduled to be Nakamura defending against Tye Dillinger, but just before SmackDown aired, it was announced that Dillinger was out with a hand injury. Truth took his place, and ultimately fell to Kinshasa.
  • Rey Mysterio & Jeff Hardy def. Randy Orton & The Miz via pinfall: The finish came via a 619 to Miz from Mysterio followed by a Swanton from Hardy. Afterwards, Orton ugly everyone out – including his partner Miz – with an RKO

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