No one really wants to talk about breast cancer, but October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and new technology continues to be important.

Williamson Medical Center 's Imaging Center in Franklin.

Their new SmartCurve breast stabilization system is the first in the region that implements the new technology, which is a huge win for women in the area.

"We are excited that we are able to provide women with an option that they are truly comfortable while delivering accurate, high quality images of the breast, so patients get the best of both worlds from a personal and clinical perspective. "Said Dr. Rebecca Baskin, a breast surgeon at Williamson Medical Group.

Baskin said, "The ergonomic curve to the system makes it more comfortable for the patient and provides gentler, even compressions by leaving room for the fuller, central part of breast. This is especially beneficial for women with larger or dense breast tissue. "

The new SmartCurve system, when used with the Genius exam, is the first 3D mammography system that is clinically proven to provide more accurate and accurate mammograms, compared to 2D mammography alone.

Since June, the SmartCurve technology has been used by approximately 400 patients.

Dr. Baskin noted, "We've received tremendous feedback from patients, especially those who have been previously experiencing anxiety about standard compressions."

Doctors and technicians at WMC 's Imaging Center believe the introduction of the innovative system has the potential to positively impact breast cancer screening compliance.

"We're hopeful that they are more likely to have a more comfortable mammogram, they will be more inclined to keep up with their breast screening routine, which is so important since early breast cancer detection can really help improve clinical outcomes," said Dr. Baskin.

Fear of physical discomfort is the number one reason many women say they have never had a mammogram, and the SmartCurve system has been proven to improve comfort in 93 percent of women who reported moderate to severe discomfort with the standard mammogram compression.

The SmartCurve the shape of a woman's breast.

"It's rewarding to be able to ensure our patients are as comfortable as they can seem intimidating," stated Dr. Baskin.

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