Russia investigates the terror after the suicide attack of a teenager against the FSB


Russia on Wednesday opened a terrorist investigation after a 17-year-old student blew himself up at the regional headquarters of the FSB security agency, injuring three employees.

Minutes before the suicide bombing in the city of Arkhangelsk, in the north of the country, a message on an anarchist forum warned of an impending explosion.

The investigators indicated that they were checking to see if the suspect was a member of a banned organization.

An explosive device exploded in the FSB building shortly before 09:00 (06:00 GMT), authorities said.

The investigators identified the kamikaze as a 17-year-old local resident.

An official, who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity, described the kamikaze as Mikhail Zhlobitsky, a student at a local technical college.

Investigators investigating the attack released a photo of the suspect – a skinny young man with a backpack – inside the FSB building.

Authorities cordoned off the streets around the building, police and experts looking for clues in the area.

Attacks on the police and security services are common in the North Caucasus, but in Russia they are rare in the rest of the country.

President Vladimir Putin – himself a former FSB officer – was informed of the explosion, his spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters, but declined to speculate on the motive.

Investigators said they opened an investigation into terrorism and illegal possession of ammunition.

Alexander Bastrykin, the head of the investigation committee in charge of the investigation, said that the motives of the young man should be established "as soon as possible".

The investigators searched Zhlobitsky's apartment and questioned his relatives and friends.

Three FSB employees were injured as a result of the explosion in Arkhangelsk, located more than 1,000 kilometers north of Moscow.

"A man is operated," a spokesman for the regional FSB told AFP.

– & # 39; FSB went crazy & # 39; –

Seven minutes before the explosion, a message posted in an anarchist forum on Telegram, a courier, warned that the FSB building would be the target of a "terrorist attack".

The author of the post, who signed for Valeryan Panov, said he would claim responsibility for it.

"The reasons are clear to you," said the post.

"I decided to do it because the FSB went completely crazy, it invents business and tortures people, and I'll be in danger of shaking in the blast," he added.

"I wish you a bright future for anarchist communism."

The FSB is the main successor to the dreaded KGB agency known for persecuting dissidents in the Soviet era.

The anarchists have attacked the Russian authorities, including the burning of police cars and Molotov cocktails on the premises of the ruling party, the ruling party, unique Russia.

Regional Governor Igor Orlov said that the authorities were working on the establishment of the type of explosive used.

"Things are very serious," he said.

"We are taking steps to enhance the security of all public and public buildings in the Arkhangelsk region," he added.

Attacks on police and security services are common in the North Caucasus, but are very rare in the rest of the country.

Map showing an explosion in an FSB building in Arkhangelsk, northern Russia

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