Private Sector Added 227,000 Jobs in October


Gil Rodriguez constructs a door at the Howard McCray's commercial refrigeration manufacturing facility in Philadelphia on Oct. 18.

Gil Rodriguez constructs a door at the Howard McCray’s commercial refrigeration manufacturing facility in Philadelphia on Oct. 18.


Matt Rourke/Associated Press

The U.S. private sector added 227,000 jobs in October, according to a report released Wednesday, largely driven by employment growth at larger businesses.

The ADP National Employment report measures the change in nonfarm private sector employment in the U.S. Economists polled by The Wall Street Journal were expecting 180,000 jobs to be added.

The 227,000 new jobs are the most the private sector has added since February of this year when it added 241,000 jobs, according to data from the ADP Research Institute and Moody’s Analytics, which put together the monthly report.

Large businesses, or those that have at least 500 employees, added 102,000 in October, according to data from the ADP Research Institute and Moody’s Analytics, which put together the monthly report. Medium-size businesses, or those with between 50 and 499 employees, added 96,000 jobs.

“We continue to see larger employers benefit in this environment as they are more apt to provide the competitive wages and strong benefits employees desire,” said Ahu Yildirmaz, co-head of the ADP Research Institute, in prepared remarks. He added that “the only blemish is the struggles small businesses are having filling open job positions.”

The service sector was again the biggest beneficiary of the new jobs, adding 189,000.

Within the service industry, trade, transportation and utilities added 61,000 jobs, the most of any of the sector subcategories.

Write to Allison Prang at [email protected]

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