White House congratulates Mexico on efforts to stop migrant caravan


White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, on Wednesday congratulated Mexico for its "unprecedented" help to slow the advance of a caravan of Central American migrants heading from the southern border of the United States.

"We are in constant communication with other countries.Mexico has strengthened in an unprecedented way.We want to continue to be able to work with them," said Sanders in an appearance in "Fox & Friends ".

Asked how Mexico had helped the Trump government prevent migrants from traveling to the United States, Sanders said Mexican officials had blocked some means of transport, forcing the group to travel hundreds of kilometers to the United States. foot and slowing down their progress.

"Once again, they can do more, but in the end, the president secures our border and will not let people who we do not know who they are, why they come or what they will come to, in our country "said Sanders.

The press secretary praised Mexico at about the same time President TrumpDonald John Trump, activists ask Washington officials to rename the street in front of the Saudi Arabian Embassy after Khashoggi On five occasions of the final debate in the Senate of Indiana, Avenatti said the FBI He had informed that he was targeted by a bomb attack against an email. posted a tweet saying that Mexican soldiers "were unable or unwilling" to prevent the caravan from crossing the border between Guatemala and Mexico.

The leaders of the group of about 4,000 migrants announced Wednesday their intention to stop to rest for at least a day in southern Mexico, while negotiating with the Mexican authorities in the hope of To get a transport to Mexico.

The Associated Press reported that Mexican officials had not indicated they would agree to help transport the group.

Trump seized the caravan in the final weeks of the mid-term campaign, describing the group of migrants as an imminent threat to US national sovereignty and security. The group is composed mostly of citizens of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala fleeing violence and poverty, and includes many women and children.

The Pentagon announced Monday the deployment of 5,200 soldiers on active duty to meet the caravan after Trump's call for military action.

The president has also threatened to close the southern border and the government plans to issue a decree to prevent the Central Americans from seeking asylum. This last proposal would probably lead to legal difficulties.

Trump had previously threatened to suspend aid to Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala if countries did not prevent their residents from fleeing to the United States. Asked about this commitment Wednesday, Sanders said the president "was considering all the options available to him," but did not say he had kept his promise.

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