Neil Patrick Harris's family channels Disney's haunted mansion for Halloween


11h58 PDT the 31/10/2018


Katherine Schaffstall

The clan is inspired by Walt Disney World and Disneyland for its latest Halloween costumes.

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka have been known to do everything for Halloween, and this year is no exception.

The couple and their 8-year-old twins, Gideon Scott and Harper Grace, have chosen this year's Disney haunted merry-go-round for their costumes.

Burtka shared the costumes in an Instagram post. The picture shows the family posing in a cemetery as a spirit with a big smile slips behind them. Harper stands in front of his family members. Dressed as the iconic bride of the merry-go-round, she wears a frilly white dress and holds a blood-stained ax near her body. She is covered in white body paint and wears a bright red lipstick.

The rest of the family is behind Harper. Harris is unrecognizable as a corpse, while Burtka is bent over in his oversized hat. Gideon completes the family-themed costumes dressed as a sinister ghost.

"Welcome, fools of mortals," Burtka said in the photo. "We hope your Halloween will be happily haunted, but be aware of this warning: beware of ghosts hitchhiking!"

Harris had previously discussed his love for the Haunted Mansion when he appeared on The late show in April.

"I love the Haunted Mansion stuff, the Disney Haunted Mansion is my favorite," Harris said.. "This fits perfectly into my mysterious Scooby-Doo / assassination wheelhouse, and I'm trying to acquire as much of the true haunted mansion as possible."

"A few years ago, an auction was held in Los Angeles and I bet – and I won – one of those stretched portraits of Haunted Mansion, you know, in the first room, when you walk in, they say: is it your imagination? I have one of the original portraits that stretch out. It's a bearded guy, he's wearing underpants and stands in a TNT barrel. ! " He continued. "I just wanted to get it and I spent way too much money on it, because I just wanted to bet on an application – I will not say how much, but it was way too much." "

The family chooses a specific theme to dress like every Halloween. In 2014, the family is disguised as Batman characters. Gideon went as a superhero, while Harper dressed as his sidekick Robin. Harris played the role of The Riddler, while Burtka is completely deflated for his Joker costume.

The following year, the family is disguised as characters of Star wars. Burtka is disguised as Han Solo, while Harris became Obi-Wan Kenobi. Gideon wore a Luke Skywalker costume and Harper completed the theme as Princess Leia.

The theme of the family for 2016 was the Hollywood classic. Harris and Burtka respectively channeled Groucho Marxo and Charlie Chaplin, while Harper is disguised as Marilyn Monroe and Gideon as James Dean.

Last year, the family became a member of a circus freak show. Harris disguised himself as a ringmaster while Burtka channeled a disturbed clown. The twins disguised themselves as a muscular man and a beard woman to collect the theme.

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