Scientists say cell phone radiation triggers cancer development


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US biologists have presented new potential evidence that radio waves are currently used in 2G and 3G cell phones, which can cause cancer of the heart, liver and certain other organs. It is reported by the National Institute of Environmental Health, USA.

"We do not compare under any circumstances the effect of phones on the person and their analogues on animals. In our case, the whole body of mice and rats has been exposed to similar radio waves, while people generally phone a specific spot in their head and do not do it very often, as in our case, "says John Bacher (John Bucher), director of collaboration with the National Toxicology Program.

Two years ago, the NTP published an article in which it evoked the first results of experiments on the effects of mobile phone radiation on the rat body. The results of these experiments, replicated by the media, were shocking – it appeared that the simulated radiations of the phone gave rise to malignant tumors – gliomas to the brain and schwannomas to the heart.

Later, dozens of scientists criticized the findings of the research and its presentation to the press. Some of them are considered exaggerated and intimidating media statements, while others have found many methodological problems in NTP publications.

Bacher and his colleagues conducted a new series of experiments involving 200 laboratory mice and rats, initially predisposed to cancer development. They lived in a cage, imitating the work of mobile phone antennas, and some of them began to be the influence of radio waves is still in the womb, while d & rsquo; others were in cages at adulthood.

Scientists have divided these rodents into several groups, each receiving a different dose of radiation, the maximum allowed for mobile phones and extreme levels exceeding this figure by about 3 to 4 times. Mice and rats lived under such conditions for about a month and the other about two years.

According to Bacher and his colleagues, animals irradiated by radio waves of a frequency of 900 and 1900 megahertz "clearly showed that these forms of radiation, coded in" mobile format ", had a carcinogenic activity". According to them, bodies of mice and rats appeared significantly more tumors than in the control group, especially for the heart, brain and liver.

By cons, all the strangeness that criticized their colleagues did not disappear – animals lived on average longer than the irradiation of radio waves compared to normal conditions and the number of tumors was not very varied at higher doses. This was particularly evident in the study of 3G radiation, while the GSM waves were acting on them ambiguously.

All this suggests that the new publication of the NTP will be welcomed by the scientific community with the same skepticism that two years ago. The participants in the collaboration plan to conduct another series of experiments in which they will follow the evolution of the rate of accumulation of DNA mutations in rodents and their frequency of appearance in other traces of cancer.


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