Roger Stone reveals that he talked about the Trump campaign on WikiLeaks in 2016


In an opinion piece for the Daily Caller's Right Wing, Stone released an exchange with Steve Bannon, then general manager of the Trump campaign. The e-mails are among the documents in the possession of the special advocate Robert Mueller, who investigates the fact that Stone has had a privileged exchange with WikiLeaks and the fact that he has communicated this information to him. entourage of the then candidate, Trump.
"What was it this morning ???" Bannon wrote to Stone on October 4, 2016. Earlier in the day, WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, delivered a speech presented as an "October Surprise" announcement and promised new leaks related to Clinton. But the event turned out to be a pub hit where Assange touted the 10th anniversary of his organization. All Assange offered was another promise of more material before the election, angering some Trump supporters who were hoping for a bomb.

Stone replied to Bannon that Assange had not published any documents for security reasons. Then Stone wrote: "However – a load every week."

In his column on Thursday, Stone said the forecast was based on publicly available information.

"More importantly, my prediction of a" charge every week ahead "is based on Assange's own public announcement a few hours before, that there would be weekly releases during and after the elections and not any communication with Wikileaks or Assange, "Stone wrote in his piece titled" Steve Bannon's Betrayal ".

Although the special council has not yet contacted Stone, nearly a dozen of his associates have been contacted for interviews with the Mueller team or a testimony before the grand jury. Last week, Mueller's team interviewed Bannon for the third time, particularly about his communications with Stone.

Steve Bannon interviewed by Mueller's team at least for the third time
Stone's decision to publish e-mails preempted Thursday a New York Times article about Stone's efforts to introduce himself to Trump campaigners as an insider of WikiLeaks.

At least one campaigner told investigators that Stone had told campaign officials that he had connections with Assange, according to a person familiar with the investigation.

During the 2016 campaign, Stone made various statements suggesting that he had links to Assange or advanced knowledge about what WikiLeaks planned to release. The timing of the email exchange between Stone and Bannon could also be of interest to investigators.

A few days later, on October 7, 2016, WikiLeaks unveiled hacked emails from Hillary Clinton campaign president, John Podesta.

It was the right time for the Trump campaign. That happened about 30 minutes after one of the most damaging moments of Trump's presidential campaign: when a recording went public showing Trump boasting of having seized the genitals of women in an unprecedented sequence taken from a 2005 interview with "Access Hollywood".
Mueller analyzes Roger Stone's WikiLeaks contacts

While Stone has been touted – publicly and privately – to brag about his close ties with Assange during the 2016 campaign, he has since reviewed his story. Stone said he relied on publicly available information, media advice and a backchannel source – New York progressive activist and radio host Randy Credico.

Credico, who was interrogated several times by investigators and testified before the grand jury, denied acting as Stone's removal channel.

It remains unclear what charges Stone could face, if any.

In a separate email published by The New York Times, Stone encourages Bannon to ensure that the substitutes in the Trump campaign tout a story – without any evidence – that Bill Clinton has a child in love.

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He then asks Bannon to have GOP donor Rebekah Mercer fund his efforts to spread Clinton's story.

"I've raised $ 150,000 for the targeted digital campaign with the help of a C-4," Stone wrote. "Tell Rebecca to send us $$$."

The application could go against the federal election law. On Thursday, Stone told CNN that he had never received any money from Mercers.

Marshall Cohen from CNN contributed to this story.

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