Local dental offices organize "Halloween Candy Buy Back", offering people to bring sweets for a good cause | New


PORTLAND, OR (KPTV) – Halloween is over and if you want to get rid of candy, you can do it for a good cause.

The Hollywood Children's Dentistry in Northeast Portland is organizing a "Halloween Candy Buy Back".

No matter who can bring sweets and they will pay you a dollar a pound.

The candy, thanks to the help of the organization "Camp Courage", is then sent to American troops abroad.

Folks FOX 12 spoke with this morning what is win-win.

"I think it's great, I think Halloween is good for one night, but then you end up with three bags of candy … a good stimulant for kids to think about other people, giving the candy to the troops, "said hygienist Marquita Kudrna.

"And the troops abroad do not see the candies we have here in the United States, it's different, so it's nice to have a taste of the house," she added.

You can bring your sweets on Thursdays and Fridays from 8am to 4pm.

Other local dentists do the same thing.

People can drop their candies at Mint Dental Works in southeast Portland until next Wednesday.

The candies will be sent to first responders, US troops overseas and veterans.

Finally, Aspire Dental, in downtown Portland, is also hosting its fourth annual candy purchase for Halloween until next Friday, when it will also be sent to US troops.

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