9 productive ways to spend your extra hour


This Sunday, November 4, at 2 pm, will be turned back one hour. The time change signals the end of Daylight Saving Time for much of the country, spreading the delightful experience of waking in the dark and then trudging home from work in the dark, too.

While Daylight Saving Time is largely hated, bad for your health, and ridiculous (the DOT swears there are sound reasons behind it), at least you get an extra hour of time for one blissful moment. That's a full 60 minutes to do whatever you want with your life. Most of us will be smartly spent sleeping, but if you decide to stay awake and do something productive in the short run, here are a few ideas to do with the extra hour of your life:

  • Start working your way through our entire Creative Calendar.
  • Learn how to become a LinkedIn influence.
  • Finally, you want to invest.
  • Spend an hour on Wikipedia so you can finally understand it.
  • Same with bitcoin.
  • Text bank before the midterm elections and help get out the vote.
  • Call a friend in Arizona, where there is no Daylight Saving Time, and brag about your extra hour.
  • Fine-tune your application to be a "pup-tern" and earn $ 100 / hour as a puppy petter.
  • Daylight saving started while saving energy during World War I. on your water heater, and installing a programmable thermostat.

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