Ilana Glazer cancels event after anti-Semitic graffiti


Actress Ilana Glazer canceled an event in a synagogue in Brooklyn, New York, on Thursday night after the temple was damaged by antisemitic graffiti.

the Broad City star was ready to interview Democracy now!Amy Goodman, along with two New York Senate candidates, Jim Gaughran and Andrew Gounardes, on Thursday night at an event organized with the Generator organization, to encourage citizens to vote before midterm elections next week .

According to New York TimesPolice and officials of the Brooklyn Temple Union, in Brooklyn's Prospect Heights neighborhood, said that anti-Semitic messages were written in black marker at several places on the place of worship, including "die juks rats" and "put an end to it now". After 8 pm, Glazer announced to those waiting for the event to begin for more than an hour that it had been canceled due to the obnoxious messages written on the walls of the temple.

In an interview on Democracy now! Friday morning, Glazer then explained why the event had been canceled.

"I can not put those 200 people who have been listening in a safe space, I can not put them in this danger," Glazer said of the incident that occurred Thursday night. The Hate Crimes Task Force is currently investigating graffiti.

Write to Cady Lang at [email protected].

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