President Obama, normal and polite, asks rowdy people not to curse children


It's hard not to get drunk on Obama's nostalgia, even for us, cynical.

On Friday, President Obama addressed a crowd in Miami, Florida, to help get the vote of Democratic Senator Bill Nelson and Gov. candidate Andrew Gillum. After being heckled, President Obama kindly rebuked the crowd in the classic manner of a father for cursing in front of "children".

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"Do not curse in front of the kids, come on," President Obama told the rowdy. "It's what I look forward to, it's having some rowdy to put me back in the mood."

It was a nice and deliciously normal response, especially compared to Trump, who prefers to incite violence to daddy jokes. Trump, remember, has already suggested that he wants to hit a protester in the face. It's a little different to suggest that the protester "do not curse in front of children".

Obama then added:

"Here is the market: if you support the other candidates, then you should support those of the other candidates.Do not be here.One of the things that I never understood was why, if you support the other candidates. another rally. "

Kinda makes our broken little hearts sing.

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