4 other natural oils to prevent mosquito bites


Coconut oil has gained superfood status in recent years because of its composition consisting of a majority of polyunsaturated acids. Coconut oil is a healthy fat and people around the world now only recognize the benefits of eating it with their meals. However, a new study indicates that coconut oil can also be used as a home remedy to treat a very common problem: insect bites. In fact, the study published in the journal Scientific reports, said that coconut oil was a better and more effective insect repellent than DEET, which is an active ingredient in many commercially available insect repellents. The study was motivated by sound concerns regarding synthetic repellents and insecticides on the human body, which created a demand for herbal insect repellents.

The study highlighted the presence of several specific fatty acids in coconut oil, which are more effective and have a strong repellent property than DEET against common insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, bed bugs and biting flies. These insects are all capable of transmitting diseases to large populations of humans. The team of researchers found that coconut oil compounds can repel biting flies and bed bugs for two weeks, while against ticks, their repellency was effective for at least a week. The topical application of high concentration coconut oil can also repel mosquitoes and prevent the bites of potentially deadly mosquitoes.

The compounds present in the coconut oil identified by the team of researchers who acted as repellents against insects were lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, as well as their corresponding methyl esters. Researchers incorporated fatty acids from coconut oil into a starch-based preparation during their tests.

Here are 4 other all-natural ingredients that can repel mosquitoes:

1. cinnamon oil: It can kill mosquito eggs and repel adult mosquitoes when it is sprayed on clothes and skin.

2. Neem oil: It can provide protection against mosquitoes for a relatively short period of three hours, but is quite effective. However, only a dilute solution of neem oil should be used.

3. Lavender (flowers and oil): Lavender oil and ground flowers also repel mosquitoes. It can also calm and soothe the skin.

4. Soybean oil: According to a study from the Medical Entomology Laboratory of the University of Florida, this commonly available vegetable oil can also be effective against mosquito bites.

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