Trump: "Oprah was a friend of mine until I ran."


President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump calls Gillum "uneducated" to become governor of Florida. Mid-term issues for Silicon Valley Republicans are strained on pre-existing conditions said Sunday, while he was campaigning in Georgia, that he and Oprah Winfrey were friends until he ran for president.

"Oprah was a friend of mine until I ran for president, and once she was different," Trump said during the election campaign for Brian Kemp, state secretary and Republican candidate. as governor of Georgia.

Trump noted that Oprah had gone to Georgia last week to campaign for Stacey Abrams, Democratic candidate for the governorship race. Polls showed that Abrams and Kemp were in a tight race ahead of this week's elections.

Trump, on Sunday, also said that Oprah "was in Mar-a-Lago" and falsely claimed that he had made an appearance at the Oprah Winfrey Show over the past week. Trump said that Oprah had "five most important people" that week and that he was part of it.

"I was on his full show last week. I think they are trying to burn the tape, "he said.

Several reporters noted on Twitter on Sunday that Trump had been lying about his participation in the Oprah show last week, which he had already claimed.

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