Rotary rallies against polio | Newsline


KNOXVILLE – Efforts to end polio happen on child, Peggy Geiger told Knoxville Rotary Club members Oct. 24.Geiger, who helped immunized 5,000 children in Nigeria as part of a Rotary polio eradication team, shared stories of hope at the club's annual End Polio Now dinner at the National Sprint Car Hall of Fame.While Rotary helped immunize 430 million children in 2017, 22 cases still were reported. Polio is only found in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but it was not easy, Geiger said.She told of one mother who would not allow her child to be immunized for fear of a beating from her husband. Geiger explained that she was a Rotarian who got on a plane of immunize kids. Eventually, the mother turned her back while Geiger quickly squeezed two drops of vaccine into the girl's mouth.Immunized children routinely have their pinky fingers marked with purple, but the team skipped that step with this girl, she said. "She did not get "It's more than $ 1,800," said T. Waldmann-Williams, the club's co-president. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives $ 2 for every $ 1 in the End Polio Now Effort.Waldmann-Williams is participating in Rotary's Ride to End Polio from Nov. 10 to Nov. 17. Rotarians will ride stationary bikes to raise money. To learn more, call her at 641-828-6407.

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