Former Malaysian head of state charged as crackdown on corruption gets stronger


The former leader of a state of eastern Malaysia, rich in natural resources, was accused Monday of receiving bribes for the granting of forest concessions, while the repression of abuses perpetrated by former

Musa Aman, Chief Minister of the State of Sabah on the island of Borneo since 2003 until the dismissal of the Prime Minister's government stained by the scandal in the May general elections, is the last high official to have been prosecuted.

Musa, 67, was arrested Monday by the anti-corruption agency before being brought to court.

He pleaded not guilty to 35 counts of corruption for receiving a total of $ 63.3 million in Hong Kong and Singapore through agents between 2004 and 2008 in exchange for sale of wood. He has been released on bail and incurs up to 20 years in prison for each offense.

His lawyer could not be reached immediately for a comment.

Sabah and neighboring Sarawak in Borneo are rich in natural resources such as oil, gas and timber, but are among the poorest states in Malaysia.

Najib, his wife, his former deputy and two other former senior government officials have already been charged with corruption and the government has warned that more could be brought to justice.

Najib accused the new government of seeking political revenge.

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